Our Secret part 2

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300 years

Lucifer and Alma continued to meet up in secret they talked to each and joked around and listened to each other's problems and such Lucifer would try to cheer her up he wanted to encourage her to leave her husband but he felt like that would start a fight between them So he focused his attention instead on always being there for her to lean on him

Lucifer's marriage got slightly better Melody stopped arguing with him so much instead she started focusing on meliodas who's now 14 years old

Lucifer hadn't spent much time with meliodas he felt that his son was pulling away from him the more time he was with Melody so the only time they interacted was during training and sometimes dinner

Although his wife had said she wanted to talk to him before bed which he obliged


L:alright what's going on Melody? He said after walking into their room after his shower

Melody sat up and put her book down by the lamp her face turning serious

M:I want another baby she said jumping straight to the point

L:..why we already have meliodas? I don't see the need for another child?

M:I simply want another child meliodas is so sweet and adorable but he's not a baby anymore and he doesn't need me anymore..he's like you she said the last part in a whisper with venom in her voice

(So that's what this is about 😠)

L:very well..not now thought maybe next month

M:..you haven't touched me since I gave birth so I disgust you that much she said her voice turning into one of anger

L:sigh-rubbing his forehead- does everything I say have to start into an argument with you! 😠 stop reading more into what I say maybe if you changed that attitude I would want to sleep with you 😡

Lucifer quickly grabbed his clothes not caring about leaving the room in a towel before his wife could argue back at him he went to sleep in his office instead

(Damit!! Why does she always have to turn everything against me like I'm the bad guy)..i wish you were here

An image of Alma sitting next to him appears her smiling and watching him with her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to sparkle whenever they were together

As quickly as the image came and went he immediately stood up and shook his head of such thoughts

What..was I...just thinking about?


A: I..Think I'm gonna divorce rickter

L:really? That's ..GREAT! I cough cough I mean that's great I think you deserve someone better then him

A :yeah although I don't plan to tell my people about this I'll just say we fell out of love no harm no foul besides he'll have to treat me with respect infront of everyone and he has to see me almost everyday hehe she said feeling happy about the possible misery Rickter will feel

Lucifer without him noticing ...Smiled

Alma's words were stuck in her throat it was

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.......Alma's words were stuck in her throat it was..the first time Lucifer smiled at her so gently and the way he way looking at her..with love

Lucifer noticed Alma wasn't talking he noticed her red face and half open mouth

L: hey you okay? Did I do something wrong ? He said with a voice of concern for her

A: yes..i. I Need to go! Now she quickly stood up and went to walk away but her heel slipped on the grass

Ah! Watch out!!

Ow ow ow

Your heavy

Huh what was that! 👿

Alma fell on top of Lucifer she looked up at him from below her with a glare

Say it again I dare you 😈

😰 i..said your so light

Hmm 😊 yes I know right

( 😨 scary) Hm your really beautiful He said looking at face up close

L: I've never noticed before actually I think this is the closest I've seen your face your really beautiful

Alma blushed as red as a tomato and quickly got up

Th....thank you you also she said in a small voice

Lucifer and Alma looked at each other and smiled they both had to leave this they knew but they ..really didn't want to separate from each other

Although they both shook off the feeling like usual both not ready to admit they feel something for each other yet and went home

A month

Since then the two gods have gotten ..closer they talk more about each other's likes and such and have even started to hold hands when they take a walk around the woods

They had started hugging one another when they part ways they haven't spoken about the obvious feelings growing between them yet
For fear of humiliation from the other

Today was the usual day they met spent time taking and just enjoying each other's company until Lucifer

Went to hug her to say bye but this time .neither one wanted to let go



Alma I...

No words were exchanged between them after that kiss thought short Alma understood his feelings

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No words were exchanged between them after that kiss thought short Alma understood his feelings

They both walked to a part of the forest they knew they wouldn't be disturbed by anyone


Both Lucifer and Alma lay on the grass after they were finished making love neither could think if what exactly to say they have known one other since the beginning and in all that time have they never acted upon their feelings for each other

Alma ..I'm still pretty confused but I want you to know that ..What happened between us wasn't a mistake to me I want do it again ..with just you he said trying to put the words together

But there was so much more he wanted to talk to her about especially about Melody

..me to I Lucifer I..love you do you love me back? Please be honest she said desperately

Alma ..wanted to be love she wanted him to love her and say it

They faced each other Lucifer gave her the most sincere smile and an honest answer it's what his heart was telling him

I love you Alma


To be continued ❤️

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