Time Part 3

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The demon king was taken out of his thoughts when he felt meliodas and Elizabeth both approach he looked at the woman next to him she was still sleeping

Watch me ..kisara I'm going to become the god of this realm then we can be together for eternity he said with a crazed look

So you came



Hmm, I Can't Hear you! can't you see what's going on around us this world does not need two demon kings! My foolish son

No, it doesn't even need one


...Ever since mother ...died you've become someone who I don't know even when I was a child even if you kind of sucked at it you tried to be a father to me you protected me and were always trying to make me ..happy in your own way meliodas turned his head sadness evident In his eyes

What's your point in talking about a past that doesn't matter anymore?! He yelled back anger laced in his voice not wanting to think more about those times

I.. Want my father back I..just wanted to be a family again with all of us happy me and mother, zel and you meliodas looked up at his father -I dreamed that one day you would return to the father I once knew and loved and maybe even treat zel like a son instead of a mistake

It was a mistake if I had been more careful then he wouldn't have killed her meliodas if that's the case then why don't you join me he said holding his open hand in front of meliodas


With my power and youth renewed and returned to me, we could finally win the holy war and my wish would be fulfilled at long last! Join me and we can live as a family like you've dreamed of your mother and me and we could go back to those happy times before he could continue meliodas cut him off

And zel he's our family as well

👿 never why would I include him he's the reason for everything it's all his fault I wish he was never Stop!!

How can you say that about zeldris? He's your son my brother and the last gift mom left you before she died she gave her life for him she always loved him even before he was born I knew mom loved him so much

Enough I don't want to hear anymore! I'm going to become an even more powerful god and then kisara and me will!! a dark aura surrounds the demon king he had a crazed look that made Elizabeth cower back he laughed like a madman

Meliodas just felt pity for his father he knew he would be in the same shape as him if Elizabeth died one more time Father- meliodas drew his sword ready to fight with a look full of sadness at what grief has done to his father

Zeldris, please answer me!


I know I'm a worthless older brother I blamed you for something you had no control over. I said horrible things to you and I don't deserve your forgiveness

Punch!!! Kick!!

But please answer me you don't deserve to be the old man's prisoner anymore!

Please gelda is waiting for you!

In his mindscape zeldris was laying down with the fake gelda he opened his eyes slightly

What's wrong?

I had a dream about my older brother


It was when I still looked up to him and followed him around

We're you scared of meliodas?

No.. I really cared for him despite everything I wanted him to see me I thought by always being where he could see me he would finally...

Well it doesn't matter anymore why don't you take a nice long nap zel

Yes... Your right it doesn't matter anymore he closed his eyes falling into a dream


Zeldris opened his eyes again only the whole place was fuzzy he couldn't make out what was around him very well

What's that? He said looking around to his surprise another path was open on his side he heard a soft humming -that sounds so familiar have I heard that song before he thought as he began to walk down the path suddenly a light enveloped the area zeldris moved his arm to his eyes

The area had changed he was now in his home the demon realm zeldris was confused why he was there he heard the humming again he began walking towards it

Zeldris was now in the castle he could hear the humming close by he walked through a wall too. His room

Zeldris saw a beautiful woman sitting on a chair she was distracted accomplishing a task he cautiously approached her she didn't seem to notice him

Suddenly she turned to him with a big smile he frozen

Hey, what took you so long? I'm almost done sewing the stuffed animals for the baby.

My bad kisara my meeting ran late I can assist you in painting whatever design you want for the room

The woman pouted until he promised to buy her some dumplings which made her smile and hug him they then shared a laugh before they started to talk to each other and playful flirting

Zeldris could see that the couple was very much in love

Aw, come on it's just the two of us! Please I want to see your pretty eyes
She begged

Sigh alright alright! The man placed down the brush before he closed his eyes his demon mark disappeared and when he opened his eyes they were the same shade as his brothers and his eyes

!? Now that zeldris got a better look at him the man had black hair with a small strand of white in it his hair was slick back and framed his face he was pretty tall and very handsome - deep in his memory zeldris remembers he had seen this man before but where? - while he tried to remember he heard the women squeal in excitement

Yay I love your eyes they're my favorite I hope our other son has them.

Hmm... I would prefer a child with your eyes instead I don't like them all that much he said touching his hair he was tugging on the strans and pulling them down to his eyes

Don't cover them! She stood on her toes and slapped his hand away


She grabbed his face in her hands - don't listen to what others say especially a grumpy hag deity your handsome and your emerald eyes make you a total smoke show

The man blushed at her words but also looked confused - what's a smoke show? I never understand what your saying half the time 😅

Hehe don't worry it just means your the sexiest demon king ever

!? Demon king as in .....father

To be continued

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