Forced To wedd (Zeldris )

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But...But father, please!! I beg you to reconsider...I already have someone else I wish to be with

That's enough!! My mind is already made up you...My youngest son will Wedd the vampire king's youngest daughter to form a strong pact that is what your mother and I have negotiated with Izraf and his wife

Zeldris grits his teeth in frustration to hold back his words he balled his fist the demon king sighed annoyed by his son's refusal

This is about the vampire king's second eldest daughter right


Don't be so surprised who do you think I am I have eyes everywhere

Then why? Gelda is older than the third princess who is only 13 years old and she will most likely get thrown before her

No princess gelda nor will the firstborn daughter Ren ever inherit his thrown According to neither have inherited their mother Queen  Hilde's power of blood control only the third princess Myne

Zeldirs was a bit taken aback this was the first he had been told this he always thought gelda would get the vampire kings thrown due to her strength but even still - that doesn't matter I love gelda please Father!!!

The demon king was starting to get irritated he wasn't interested In hearing Zeldris beg again then a thought came to him one he had been forced to do although in his case he didn't love her At all

Enough! If you behave I will suggest to the vampire queen to make gelda your concubine at least

Concubine! Father that is...

It's better than nothing I had one   estarossa's mother she lived in a separate place and was still a lover

Still a lover? Your kidding right father I mean no disrespect but Lady Tesstarossa killed herself after writing out how awful her life as a concubine was and how unloved and unwanted she felt 💔

...that was due to a separate reason... I didn't love her or want her anyway how did you know of that ?!

Peronia talks too much he answered with a flat lone face

Of course, we'll theirs your only alternative this marriage is happening whether you like it or not I will how ever allow you since you are my son to say your last fair well to princess gelda and after that if I see you together In any way other than as in-laws there will be consequences do you understand me Zeldris !!

He bows his head down in shame and frustration but replies with a strained yes before leaving the throne room to see his lover one last time

Dear don't you think you were a bit too harsh? Put yourself in our son's shoes

The demon king turns to his wife who was standing near a large column with a sad expression

The demon king doesn't reply but keeps a serious expression at his wife's words

The next day

Zeldirs just stayed in his room upset that he couldn't spend his very rare day off with gelda it hurt to leave her and see her crying face and hear her cries about how life was unfair

Oh right the third princess myne should be here as a prince it's my job to great her- zeldris got and fixed himself up he had a public image to manage

The maids guided him to one of the guest rooms he thanked them and they left he stood outside not sure what to expect he didn't care about the gossip about princess myne too much

🙁 (gelda ) knock knock - Come in - he turned the door after hesitating for a few more seconds he saw a little girl with long black hair and red eyes focused on a spell book

She looked up at him and immediately closed her book and sat up off the bed before walking towards him she grabbed the ends of her dress in a princess bow - good evening prince zeldris I am Princess Myne your fiance it's pleasure to meet you 😃

You will be stated shorty zeldris it wasn't exactly her fault and chances are she was a victim too but he still couldn't be friendly with her not even when she asked if they could talk to get to know each other better

Myne grew slightly frustrated at zeldris lack of cooperation with her (this is the man sister gelda always talks about ) sigh listen I know you don't want to be here, especially with me but I'm trying to turn that around


Well we will hopefully be united together for a long while ruling the vampire clan I don't expect you to love me but we will need to get along in the future so at least try to be my friend or partner, please

He didn't answer although she could see his face soften meaning he was thinking about what she had said

Maybe this will work out after all

To be continued

Just to add this is not a pedo thing I'll make another part where they grow up for now their just friends and trying to work on things in case that wasn't clear I don't want people getting the wrong idea

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