The Fall

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I don't quite remember since how long its been raining

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I don't quite remember since how long its been raining....

I can't gather since how long this water has been leveling up...

Days? Weeks? Months? Or maybe, Years?

Maybe the day you left us....

Maybe since that day, it's still raining....

This flood of rainwater,

Will it envelop our house?

This home that has all the memories we've made...

My memories,

Your memories,

Our memories....

Not an abnormal thing,

I've started to miss you, Papa.

How you'd protect me from the water in the pool,

How you'd tell me to learn to swim

And how I'd replied with, 'Its okay dad, I've you to save me'....

How we'd play with the water in our bathtub.

How the same water seems so terrific now...

Without you beside me.

I missed you yesterday,

I miss you today,

And I'll definitely miss you tomorrow.

And the day there is no air in my lungs,

I'll still be missing you, Papa.

Stranger <3

Stranger <3

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