An Error that changed live for the better?

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*Wind Blows* Empty Corridor is on the way. A strange figure is walking towards it. The corridor is called Last Corridor. The place where the magnificent journey normally should end. But not this time. The one travelling wasn't good nor he was evil. Nope it was something far worse than just that. It was someone that thought that everything within this world was his play thing that he can play with and then get bored of it. This person was called many names but it was PLAYER. 

He is a megalomaniac. A person that desires ulmitate power. He had it but it was never enough. A power hungry monster. Genocider. Murder. Player was all of this things. He had completed this road a thougsant times over and over again. Never getting what he truly wanted. Something new that what player was looking for. He simply was bored that nothing was different and so he started path of bloodshed. 

Was it right? No it was monstrous not even race that literally was called monsters they were kind. He is emotionless machine for killing. He did not care for anyone in this world. Or so it seems. However there was one person that peeked Player's interest. The only one that was able to oppose him not even kids was able to. It was a lazy skeleton nonetheless. 

The first none hostile monster except Toriel who didn't attack. He was a hulorious dude that pranked a lot. His name was Sans the Skeleton. Right now Player was walking towards him in final showdown to determine the fate of this cursed place. Sans for his part has battled with Player none-stop and no matter how much it repeted Sans was always a tough nut to crack. Since Sans had something to fight for and he was not letting Player get what he wanted. 

Player wanted to break the skeleton so he would act out of his character. Out of cursed prewrited script that controlled this world. He wanted them, no him to change to do something new. However Sans wasn't going to do anything but make Player suffer. Oh well one way or another Player was sure Sans would not have any choice. 

Finally getting to save point Player was ready. He felt a rush of adroline like  he never faced Sans before. It's like his first run where he was obvilious to Sans' threats. He only thought that Sans' world were dull and false but he proved in end that Player was wrong. That why right now Player was going to do what he did best play until Sans gets tired. It was always like that he was dying until Sans gets exhausted enough to cought him off guard. That was the way to defeat him. The only working way Player knew. Since brute force was useless.

Since first run Player knew that. He died a 1000 times to get it to his head. He died a thousant more just to kill Sans. Player would never admit but he was on verge of giving up in that fight. Thankfully he did not. That he was proud of. He was able to beat Sans and then again and again. Over and Over. Also it did take a bit less time but still Sans was somehow getting harder and harder everytime. No he was not stronger but for some reason he was harder to catch everytime. For the last runs he was getting longer to defeat. That was alarming but Player did not care. 

One way or another Sans would eventually be killed. No matter how much time it will take. Each time Sans only was more difficult to deal with. The more and more attempts were made, but that mattered little. Since Player possesed a very special ability called Reset. This unique power was the reason why Player would never give up. He was too stubborn and unlistening to do what he is told. Even if it's absolute truth. That why he was hated by the group that was aware. It is consisting of Frisk, Chara, Flowey lastly but not least on importance Sans. 

Now Player has made it in middle of the hall. He could hear birds singing. Outside of hall flowers were blowing. He will burn in hell like Sans said in the first run. But he was sure it would be a long time from now. So a shadow figure appeared right two feet away from Player. 

His neverending smile. His eyes feeled with rage and sadness. It was a short skeleton that wear a blue jacket, with short pants. He has pink slippers. It is Sans the Skeleton te judge and jokester. 

"It seems we are here yet again" Sans spoke not surengly who he was talking to. 

Player didn't reply

"There is nothing for you here. You want something new? Well you are for surprise. I will grant your wish but that you won't be able to come back. Sorry pal nothing personal" Sans suddenly spoke with a lot of determination. 

Player doubted that Sans could do anything

He ignored two ghost in front of him. They were Chara and Frisk. 

"Huh what does he mean Chara?" Frisk asked her none-blooded sister

"I am not sure but let's see what he has in store" Chara announced with excitement. Whatever her friend planned would totally be worth it. 

Player not wanting to wait for Sans strike his first hit. Only for his enemy to grab it with his arm. 

"Sorry but I will make sure you will be brought for good" Sans said while suplexing Player to the ground that cracked it. That earned a shocked expression of Chara and Frisk. They never knew that Sans was that strong. 

Player groaned in pain. It was the only disadvantage that his power had. He felt pain just like any human does. 

Suddenly he was impaled when he was still confused. It was a sharp bones that did not leave any chance for survival. Sans now was more powerful and ruthless than ever before. 

"Sans is fighting more britally than ever before" Frisk noticed with an awe

"He is. I hope he ends this bastard for good" Chara agreed with Frisk while emitting a huge amount of Hate. 

Some time later

It was getting frustrating to try. Whenever Player tried to do anything he was almost instantly killed. He barely made any progress and that was like 10000 attempt already. He was getting tired to use his power constantly. Like he used it almost every 5-10 seconds. Sans was true to end him for good. 

"It seems you are a bit tired pal. Good since now I will bring something" Sans announced suddenly

"Huh what is it?" Frisk asked curiosly

"I donn't know but maybe he has a chance now?" Chara spoke with a glimse of hope that they will finally be free from that cursed loop. 

Player wasn't able to do anything as he was teleported somewhere. He never was in this place it looked like True Lab but something was off about this place. He was in front of a large divice, he did not recognise nor knew what it did. 

He failed to react when bones that were blue covered his body. Now if he moves he is as good as dead. 

"Hehehe I need you to stand still pal. YOu see this machine I built it on my own. It took me a lot of time. Since your resets really is annoying. Fortunately everything that was writed, noted or built saved entirely. That why I was able to finish this. What deos it do. Well it will strip you from Reset and this power of yours. But it needs a sacriface. That would be me. It needs a powerful monster soul and magic to work. That means we will both go down. When machine is done. Kids will regain their control. Also they won't be able to Reset, they will still be able to come back form the dead. But now you. Get dunk on megalomaniac" Sans explained while activating the device

That for the first time Player felt fear for his life. He wanted to avoid it but his attempts were futile. 

"No he isn't doing for Real right Chara?" Frisk shoated while tears were dropping from her face. 

"I think he is very serious. Maybe we can save him with our power of determination?" Chara suddenly had an idea to possibly save Sans. 

Both Frisk and Chara gathered as much DT as possible and poured it to Sans to save him. 

With so much power Sans' device exploded Resetting everything. Now Chara and Frisk will retake control and make a happy Ending for real. But sadly because of the determination and Sans own power and DT. While he wanted to live he was erased and glitched out of time. Now he was in a whole different place. 

To be continued...

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