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Before this starts here are the warnings in what's going to be in this
1. Blood
3.SA (sexual assault but it won't be shown just implied)
5. Abuse

Don't come after me for writing it like this , I'm just keeping it accurate to the original storyline.

Christmas break had begun, a whole month off of school, away from the bully's, away from the stares, away from people August Moore hated. It wasn't that he was unlikeable it was just he didn't make it is life mission to make friends, he really only needed one person and that was his older sister Indy Moore.

It was December 2nd, barley 2 days into what August called "the freedom from hell" his mother and father had asked them to list down what they wanted for Christmas, August sat in the bathroom with a pen and paper as he wrote down various things he wanted. His sister Indy mixed up the bleach hair dye in a small cup.

"Are you sure you want this?" Indy asked lifting the medical gloves up her hand.
"Yes, now less talking more dying" Indy laughed at the statement "kinda sounds like your asking me to die" August did a evil kid giggle before going back to writing.

He was only allowed to do so many strands because his parents didn't know if he would look good with blond hair, August had been begging to dye his hair blond for months now so when Indy backed him up on dying a few strands he was ecstatic. August loved Indy it was that annoying younger brother and older sister type duo they were, Indy was quiet popular with everyone at the school while August chose to be by himself but that never stopped him from fawning over kids at the school.

"Do you think I should get a mullet?" Indy gaged at his question, "depends on if you gonna get yehaw mullet or rockstar mullet" she lightly pressed the brush to his black hair, "nahh maybe a wolfcut?" Indy nodded in agreement folding the strand in some tinfoil, once she got a few strands done they waited about 30 minutes before rinsing. Once they did Indy put more of the mixture on for a second coat.

Finally they were done, there was 3 to 4 strands of blondish yellow that laid on the black layers of his hair, being a 13 year old boy he jumped around running over to his parents to show them Indy's work, "oh would you look at that, good job honey" their mother started to play with August's hair folding it in many different ways.

"So does this mean I can go full blond" their father laughed "nope" this made August whine leaning his head on his mothers shoulder. They had already had dinner and were just hanging out in the living room, giving his parents the Christmas list he went to his room to get ready for bed, Indy followed not wanting to listen to her parents talk about the cheesy Christmas movie.


"Did you see that kid I think his name is Brian, he was rocking that leather jacket" August said throw his clothes around the room, Indy laughed "no he was not, he looked like the worse telephone pole I've ever seen" they both roared in laugher, Before August could get changed his father knocked on the door "hey kids would one of you go put this sign outside, your mother decided she wanted to start decorating" he held up a sign which was a Santa with the words "North pole" Indy went fast putting her finger on her nose

August groaned as he took the sign from his dad making his way to the front door, he turned the porch light on and slipped his shoes on quickly, making his way over to the mailbox he started to lightly pushing the sign into the ground, he looked up back at the house to see Indy, she was making silly faces at him and in return he flipped her off this made her turn away from the window.

He was almost done when a load crash was heard, he turned to see a black van barley visible in the dark, it came to a halt and a man jumped out going to the back of it, August noticed the back doors of the van wide open and on the floor were sparkly shiny glass shards, being curious he pushed the sign in one last time before walking down the street to the Van, "is everything ok sir?" He asked being very cautious of the glass.

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