~Chapter 7~ The painting

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POV: Rose

I woke up and did my normal morning routine.
Aa I walked trough the hallway I noticed the same painting hanging on the wall.

'It look's like you!' Miranda said as she ran up to me.
Startled I asked: 'You think?'
'Yeah!' She replied. She was clearly a morning person.

I walked with Miranda and Hans downstairs where we ate.

'Can we go to the garden?' Hans asked staring at me with puppy dog eyes.
'Fine.' I said. I enjoyed the garden, but I couldn't stop thinking about the picture. It looked like my mother, and no, not this one.

'Look at the clouds!' Miranda said pointing to the clouds. It formed a crown. My crown.

'Why did I make this deal.' I wispered.
'What did you say?' Hans asked looking questiongly at me.
'Oh- nothing, don't worry.' I said startled.
'If you say so.' Miranda said.

Honestly, Miranda and Hans were really mature for their age. To mature. I figured that it was probably because of aunt. I can't even say her name.

I thought about the story I was telling Hans the first night he was here. It wasn't a lie...

I wondered how my "friends' where doing.
I couldn't care less.

'Let's go to a forest!' Miranda said jumping and pulling my arm.
'Yeah!' Hans said excited, doing the same as his sister except on my other arm.
'Alright little adventurer's!' I said running to the castle's back gate.

I knew where the best forest would be to visit with kids.

'Follow me guys.' I said.

I looked behind me and I just saw two faces looking around. They where clearly amazed.

'Grab my hand.' I said giving a hand to each of the kids.

They grabbed it and immideatly I started walking slower.

'Why was my mother (?) in the painting.' I thought. I just couldn't stop thining about it.
I was wondering how old my mom looked. It looked like it was a long time before the accident.
I didn't want to think about that part.
I wanted to know if I was born.
If she knew she was getting me.
If she knew that the doctor's made a mistake.

'Can we go back?' Hans asked, you could hear his voice shaking from fear.

I got so caught up in my thought that i didn't notice that we were in the dark spot of the forest.
As we turned around snd walked back I saw a light flash before my eyes and could immediately make out that it was the painting.
I think that something was up with it.

When we arrived home it was lunch time and we ate toast. Just 2 slices of white bread with cheese between.

'Tanks Mikey!' Miranda and Hans yelled gratefully as they sat down to eat their food.
'No problem kids!' Mikey said back.
'Thanks Mikey.' I said.
'Just li-' Mikey stopped mid way in his sentence. 'Why are you shivering?' 'It's cold?' I replied with a cold expression.
'It's Summer Rose.' He replied.

I missed al my friends and family.
I wanted to go back.

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