~Chapter 10~ I'm tired, 'Sis'...

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POV: Rose

I walked downstairs to ask Mickey what he would be making and if I could help with anything.

'Rose, I'm making pizza. And no you can't really help with cooking since I only nee to put it in the oven and cut it into pieces.' Mickey said.
'You can deck the table if you'd like.'
'Yeah sure.' I said grabbing the stuff for that.

As usuale I finished quickly.

'Thank's Rose!' Mickey said.
'Can you get Miranda and Hans?'
'Yeah I can! Time me!' I yelled excitedly.
'Rose I can't, I'm sorry.' Mickey said looking away.
'It's alright. But I will still do it!' I said running to the hallway wher the staircas that was the closest to Miranda and Hans's room.

'Mickey is making pizza!' I yelled barging in the kids room.
'Ahhhhh!' Hans his cute voice yelled.
'Pizza!' Miranda yelled letting her barbie go and running out the door. Before I knew it she was running down the stairs.

'Is pizza good?' Hans asked standing up.
'You've never eaten pizza!?' I asked shocked.

Don't judge me! You never really hear that.
This is really surprising...

'No?' He said. Hans was wondering if that was the right answer.
I just felt that he was thinking that.
'Come on.' I said grabbing his hand and leading him downstairs.

Miranda and Hans sat down and I got the plates with pizza on.

When we where eating I suddenly thought about the times I just let Hans walk on his own.
He would bump into items and when he beld my hand he would hold on tight.

'Excuse me.' I said standing up. I grabbed my phone and went to the hallway.

'Hello, with Rose.' I said. I had just called the eye doctor.
'Hello, what's seems to be the problem?' A woman asked me.
Her voice was sweet and soft.

'I need to make an appointment for my nephew.' I said.
'Ahhh, what kind?' She asked me.
'Just a eye check up. He can't really walk alone without bumping in to something.' I said.
'May I know what date ?' She asked typing down what I had just said.
'When do you guys have the time?' I asked grabbing my small agenda from my bag.

It was the bag I always have with me, just in case.

'We are free, in three days.' She answered.
'Alright, see you then!' I said writing it in my agenda.
'Have a nice three days.' She said hanging up.

Well that was done.

'Hans, in three days you have an eye appointment.' I said sitting back down at the table.
'What's that?' Hans asked, he really didn't get teached anything. Huh?
'They will check if there is something wrong with your eyes.' I answered hoping that that would answer his question.

After we finished eating we got dessert.

'Thank you!' Me, Miranda and Hans said at the same time.

We went upstairs and to our room.

After about a hour I heard a knock on my door and said they could come in.

'I'm tired, sis...' Hans said.

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