Comfort Teacher

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Backstory: Y/n is 13 years old. Jessica is Y/n's teacher. Jessica knows Y/n has lost her mother four years ago and she helped her all through that by offering her to come sit with her at lunches, if she needs to talk or to cry it out Y/n could sit with Miss Capshaw during her free periods. Jessica has been noticing something has been going on but she didn't want to invade the teens privacy. One day Y/n shows up to school more distracted and rushing in early in the classroom. Jessica got more worried and knows something is definitely wrong and asked Y/n to stay back in class with her.

Trigger warnings: ⚠️ physical abuse, self harm and strong language and anxiety. ⚠️

Disclaimer: Christopher and all four of Jessica's kids don't exist in this one-shot. It's just easier to write this way.


It's Wednesday meaning it's my favorite day because today I have a double period English which means I am with Miss Capshaw. She is honestly my favorite teacher and I may or may not have some sort of attachment issues towards her. She is the only one who has been there for me since my mom passed. She has comforted me a lot and I spend nearly all my breaks and some free periods with her. Now I am sitting in math class with Mr Baker. It's honestly the worst class.

"Y/n, answer this question." He suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

Well, shit. I hate speaking in front of the class. I felt my anxiety rise and I slowly fidget with my fingers.

"We don't have all day, Y/n. So what is it?" He said getting stricter.

"Uhm, uh, 176 maybe?" I replied.

"No, pay attention. It's 278." He said sternly. "You already had to know this for today." He told me off. "Stupid child, her mom must be so disappointed and her dad won't even want nothing to do with her." He then muttered under his breath. Usually I sit in every class in the back but here I have to sit in the front of the reason but with Miss Capshaw I always sit in the front by her voluntarily.

As soon as I heard what he muttered tears started to form in my eyes. I grabbed my stuff and threw them in my bag and I don't know what came over me but just ran out the class even though we still have 15 minutes left. I now realize I have Miss Capshaw after this and she has free period now.

"Come back here now or I am sending you for an hour detention." Mr Baker yelled at me but I ignored him and ran to the English ward to Miss Capshaws classroom.

I slowed down when I got to her class and slowly knocked on her door.

"Come in." I could hear her soft voice.

I shyly went in and when Miss Capshaw didn't hear anything she looked up from her book and saw me standing there.

"Hey, sweetie, why are you here so early? There is till 15 minutes left. Is everything okay?" Miss Capshaw asked.

She only calls me sweetie or sweet girl. I don't know what to say.

"Well, I basically ran out of Mr Baker classroom." I mumbled but she heard me.

"Can you tell me why?" She asked softly.

I went over to my usual spot and sat down and took a deep breath.

"Well, basically he picked me to answer a question and I didn't answer correctly. At first I was taking too long so he said that we don't have all day and then when I finally answered and got it wrong he basically yelled at me to pay attention and I had to know this for today. Then he muttered something under his breath." I explained while looking down.

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