Period Pain

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Backstory: Y/N is 12 years old. She has been working on the set of Grey's Anatomy when she gets her period. Her mother has never explained to her anything about periods so when gets it on set she doesn't understand what's happening to her. Her parents aren't the most caring either so instead of texting her mom she hesitantly calls out for help from Jessica and she gladly helps Y/n through it.

Requested by: -LUVLEXIE

Trigger warnings: ⚠️mention of menstrual blood⚠️ If there are any trigger warnings I missed please let me know.


I am walking on my way to Jessica's trailer since we agreed to rehearse lines together before we have to go on set and act it out. I've have been having stomach cramps all morning and it hurts like a bitch.

I continue walking until I reach Jess' her trailer door and I honestly feel like dying on the floor right here, right now.

I knock on Jess' her trailer door to make sure I'm okay to come in.

"Y/N/N, it's okay you can come in," I hear Jess shout and I take it as my cue to get in.

"Hi, sweetheart," I'm immediately greeted by a cheery Jessica. She is always so positive, kind and caring. Whenever Jess smiles, I smile.

"Hi, Jessie," I greet her back while she tickles me and I giggle which causes Jess to giggle as well. She then gives me a hug which I return. Jess always does that to me and I admit I like it. Unfortunately I don't get this kind of affection from my parents.

"So, how are you?" Jessica asks, she always asks first if I'm okay.

"I'm good, how are you?" I give a small smile. It's a half truth and a half lie but Jess smiles back.

"I'm good too, thank you. So why don't we just start and then we'll see how far we come?" Jessica asks and I nodded agreeing.

Jessica and I started and it went okay until halfway I felt heavy cramps coming up and I immediately curled up holding my stomach and Jessica noticed I was in pain.

"Y/N, honey, are you okay?" She asked softly while looking worried. Well, she definitely cares more about me than my own parents.

"Yeah, I'm just having stomach cramps," I tried to brush it off.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" she asks not believing me.

"I-," I was about to say something when I felt the need to go to the toilet so I ran to the bathroom leaving a confused Jess behind.

As soon as I sat down on the toilet and dropped down my pants I gasped as I saw blood. I immediately got scared and panicked.

Shit, shit. Am I gonna die? What am I supposed to do. I don't want to bother Jess with my problems but I can't sit on the toilet forever either.

POV Jessica

As soon as Y/N ran off after telling me her stomach hurt I was confused and worried especially when after ten minutes she still wasn't back.

Suddenly it clicked in my head and I had an idea what the issue is.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" I asked from behind the bathroom door.

"Uhm, yeah," I heard her say with a voice crack. I certainly don't believe her.

"Be honest with me, sweet girl. Can I help you?" I asked her softly.

It was silent for a while till I heard her voice again.

"Jess, are you still there?"

"Yes, yes I'm still here, sweetie."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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