Necktie (Stephen Strange)

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Y/n and Stephen were in New York for Christine's wedding. Y/n knew Stephen was not really feeling good about this even though he didn't want to admit it. They were getting ready together in the Sanctum. Y/n saw Stephen was having trouble with tying. So, she walked up to him, he saw her reflection appear in the mirror. They were both facing each other now, so close. Stephen took a shaky breath with a smile and Y/n keep tying it.

Stephen: Thank you. I always have trouble doing it but you didn't have to, I could've done it with magic, fast and easily.

Y/n: I wanted to.

When she was finished they gazed into each others' eyes. Their faces were almost touching each other. They could feel each others' warm breaths. Stephen broke the silence.

Stephen: You look beautiful.(He smiled.)

Y/n: Thank you, doctor. You look handsome too.(She replied with a smile.)

Stephen: Handsome, huh?

They both giggled. This time Y/n spoke up first.

Y/n: Are you really okay with this?

Stephen: With what?

Y/n: Don't play stupid with me, Stephen. I know you better than you know yourself. You are not happy. I can read you.

Stephen: Okay. Maybe it's not the best thing but it will be okay. Don't worry. I'll be okay as long as you're with me. I feel happy when you're around.

Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach.

Y/n: Okay, handsome but I'm always up to stay here and watch Netflix all night.

They both laughed and started walking down the hall.

Y/n: Good to hear.

A few moments later, they were at the wedding. Christine came next to Y/n and Stephen. Y/n wanted to give them some space to be polite. Christine started a little chat.

Christine: Stephen?

Stephen: Yes?

Christine: Are you happy?

She asked and his eyes were only watching one person at that moment, Y/n.

Stephen: I am. I am happy.

Christine: Y/n is good for you. She makes you happy.

Stephen: Yeah, I think so.

Christine: Oh, I know so.

They both smiled and when Christine left Y/n came back.

Y/n: Hey, is everything okay?

Stephen: Everything's okay.

Stephen smiled and they both had a lovely night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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