Chapter Three

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"Rose White!"

My name blares through the speakers. I suck in a sharp breath, and stand up.

It's now or never Rose.

My legs shake as I slowly make my way up to the ice rink, Alice squeezes my shoulders reassuringly and gives me a confident thumbs up. I turn back to her and return her small smile.

"You got this babe, just like, be the skater you are and all that jazz." She says in a mock inspirational voice.

"I-" I shake my head and bite back a smile. God sometimes I swear this girl was sent down to earth specifically for me. 

"Thanks Al." I reply before turning back to the rink. 

Before I can convince myself that this is a bad idea, I make my way over to the spotlights.

The white lights are blinding. I can't see the audience at all, which I guess is a plus. It's quite comforting if I'm being honest, to know that I can't see them, but that they can all see me.

I slide my leg out into my starting position and wait for the music to start. The familiar song drifts through the air and settles in my mind, taking me away with the beat. 

I start skating and sweep my feet across the ice as my hands move in time with the music. I've got this routine down to a T. After deciding to start skating again I practised every day to make sure I made mom proud, so it was kind of impossible to forget this routine.

As the music plays through the speakers, and my routine starts to reach it's end, I realise that it's time for my final move.

My triple axel jump.

God why on earth did I ever agree to do this?

I start skating backwards to give myself room to perfect the jump.

You've got this Rose, you can do this.

I exhale a shaky breath and start skating forward, the world around me stills as I swing my left leg behind me and spin through the air. The background, the people, the lights, the noises, they all fade away. And all I am left with is me and the ice.

Me and the ice.

I feel my right foot make contact with the floor as I land the jump...


I land it!

The crowd erupts into cheers around me as i finish off the landing with a spin. I slowly stop skating and the spotlights go down, I can see the entire audience standing and cheering. I turn towards Alice and see her jumping up and down screaming her head off.

"THAT'S MY GIRL!" she screams "GO RO!"

She's like my own personal cheerleader.

I smile and skate to the exit, so as the crew can get the stage ready for the next skater. As I step off the ice I realise something's wrong. I feel woozy, like I'm about to faint.

Sugar cakes...I forgot to eat before my performance...

"Rose I'm so proud of you!!" Alice comes bouncing at me and engulfs me in a large bear hug.

"Thanks Allie, but I really need you to grab me some food from my bag-"

I feel myself sway in her arms a little bit. Alice pulls away from me and lets go of my shoulders.

"Rose are you oka-"

That's all I hear before everything goes black-

From the author:

Heya Loves!

Sorry this chapter is kind of really small, I've been super swamped with school work and all that jazz, but I promise to try and upload some longer chapters soon.


-Evy <3

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