Chapter Four

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I wake to the feeling of Aaron cradling my head as I lay in his lap. I feel his fingers brush my hair out of my face as he whispers to me.

"C'mon Rose, wake up for me. Open those gorgeous green eyes for me, love."

Love? Oh my goodness, that was so gorgeously British of him.

Slowly my eyes flutter open, I try to adjust them to the light, wincing at the pain in my head.

"Aaron?" I wonder if I'm hallucinating.

Am I dead?

His face swims into my vision and I blink up at him. Slowly I reach my left hand up to touch his face, as they make contact his face smooshes a bit under the pressure of my hand.

Nope not hallucinating.

I figure it's best to check. Aaron stares down at me, his facial expression a mixture of confusion and relief as he wraps his left hand around my wrist and slowly pulls it from his face.

"Rose, are you um- feeling okay?" He asks. I pause before answering.

"Yea I um- what happened?" I have no memory of anything after I stepped off the ice, though, judging by my lack of memory, and the position I'm lying in right now, I think it's safe to say I passed out.

"You fainted." Aaron said softly.

Ha. Called it.

"Jeez, did someone smash my head in with a club or something? Because it sure as heck feels like it." I murmur pressing a hand to my forehead.

"Not exactly." Answers Aaron. "But when you fainted you hit it pretty hard on the bench."

"Ah that explains the-" I'm cut off by the sight of something red behind him. "Oh crickets...Aaron?"

"Mhm, what's up?"

"Is that blood?" I ask tentatively, wincing at the sight of, I'm guessing my, blood on the bench, I turn my head, and see more blotted all over Aaron's ex-white shirt.

"Yea you hit your head pretty hard. I'll clean it up in a minute-" Aaron stops talking and studies my face. "Rose, you're really pale are you sure you're-?" Realisation dawns on Aaron's face as he studies me. "Oh shit. Blood."

I'm terrified of blood, I faint at the sight of it. I'm surprised I haven't-

Aaron's face splits in two and my ears begin to ring.

Spoke to soon...

"Rose can you hear me?"

Both Aarons tilt their heads and wave their hands in front of me. "How many fingers am I holding up, love?"


Four? No five, no. its two?

"Fourve?" I mumble. Before both Aarons disappear and I am immersed in darkness once more.

-- -- --

My fondest memory of my mother is from when I was about 12, I had just gotten my first period and I was terrified of what that meant for me. Mom knew this and surprised me with a 'big girl's day out'. She took me to the cinema  to watch 'spiderman homecoming' and we ate our entire body weight in crap food.

It was great.

When I really miss mom I tend to search for that memory, her voice telling me that the whole day was about me, her smile throughout  the day as she watched me have fun.

I like to think about how the sun seemed to glow brighter wherever she went, how music sounded better, and days seemed happier.

I just like to think about her.

-- -- --

I awake, for the second time, in a bed. 

A really big bed. 

A bed that's most definitely not mine...

"You're awake." I hear someone say.

"Where am I?" My voice is muffled by something. No, someone. I look up, trying to figure out whos arm is wrapped around me, and whos body is pressed against me. Aaron.

"How are you feeling, Rose?" He asks, trailing his finger along my arm.

What. The. Fritters.


-- -- --

I awake with a jolt. Sitting up abruptly, causing someone to gasp. Slowly I look around and realise that I'm still at the ice rink. My stomach sinks.

so I was just dreaming?

A crowd of people are gathered around me, they all seem shocked. As my hearing adjusts, I hear a commotion towards the back.

"Move it people. Important vips coming through."


She emerges from the crowd in all her glory. Her blond hair pulled into two plaits at the top of her head, her face is plastered in blue makeup, to match my dress. God I love that girl.

"Rose! Oh my god babe are you okay?!" She practically screams at me. I wince as the sound increases my headache. "I had to go clean up know." I note her, not very subtle attempt at dodging the word blood and smile at the effort she's making. "Aaron's just behind me, getting rid of the rest of the...stuff." I roll my eyes.

Okay, not subtly at all.

"Alice," I croak.

Jeez Louise, I need water...

"I faint at the sight of blood. Not if I hear the word." Alice blinks at me in confusion and then sighs.

"Thank Jesus." She exclaims. "Because I was running out of fillers for the word blood." she grinned "Ha haaa! I can say it, blood blood. Blood blood blood blo-"

"We get the point, Alice."  A deep voice mutters behind her.

"Right." Alice nods "No more...fainty stuff?" 

Aaron and I sigh at the same time.

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