Chapter 15

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After Electrolite had put on his hero clothing, he flew towards the United Kingdom. In under five minutes, the young man had arrived at the country and had arrived at Kingdom 4 in an additional three. Upon arrival, the hero arrived at the usual, buildings and structures had already fallen to the ground and up ahead he saw more buildings being destroyed and fall in a matter of seconds. Electrolite flew down and landed, watching a black figure zip towards multiple buildings, destroying them and also killing several people trying to escape. The figure then went towards, Electrolite who dodged the figure throwing a punch at him, the young man's fist electrifying and delivering a powerful blow in the thing's stomach, launching it into a fallen building.

The thing then got out of the structure and patted its chest and shoulders as if dirt was on it, even though it wasn't. When Electrolite saw it, he knew it was a Jordeman male. It was tall, muscular, and its skin was as black as coal. It's head was perfectly round like that of a bald man, the black skin covering the head and ears, the only human-like fair skin that appeard was around the face, the creature having pitch black eyes also.

This Jordeman was one of the strongest out of the rest that had come up. He was naturally stronger than them physically and also had a special power, the ability to control and manipulate the earth. His name was Uling, known to his kind as Coal Skin.

Uling grunted and looked at Electrolite, saying, "I didn't expect someone like you to hit me that hard?"

"You need to stand now, Jordeman." Electrolite replied.

"You know us? How? Well, I don't care how you know us, I'm not standing down to humans like you."

"Well, the other Jordeman before you didn't stand down either and they were finished, not saying that it'd be easy to take you down. You look like a challenge."

"You killed the others? So that would explain why Esmeralda was dead, that Emerald Skin fought well."

"And she did, she had a hell of a healing ability, except there was a downfall."

"A downfall? Esmeralda had no weakness, human."

"Well, if she'd dead, surely she had a weakness, and that was me."

"You, eh? I wouldn't expect a human like you to take on powerful Jordeman like us. Very impressive. I guess you will try to defeat me?"

"It's obvious. I'm not letting you take this planet."

"This planet will be ours and ours only. You will never win."

At the same time, the two dashed at each other at great speeds, both throwing punches, their fists hitting the other, creating a powerful shockwave that decimated numerous buildings. Electrolite noticed this and immediately remembered about what had happened back in Canada, reminding himself to still fight but to try and focus on the output of his attacks to minimize the damages. The two then threw a barrage of punches at one another, their fists hitting one another again, creating more shockwaves. On Electrolite's side he controlled his shockwaves in a curved line upward towards the sky, Coal Skin's shockwaves spreading out and damaging further structures. After this, Electrolite then dodged a several punches and delivered powerful kick across Coal Skin's face, launching him along the air.

The hero then leaped forward and then delivered a flurry of punches and kicks at Uling while zipping around the city, avoiding any building he could destroy. Electrolite then threw his fist towards the creature's face, but he dodged it and then threw a punch upwards, hitting underneath the hero's chin and launching him into the air. After doing this, Coal Skin stomped his foot on the ground, causing it to shake and cracks to form that equaled to five city blocks. The creature grunted and his arms began to bulge, reeling them back and then swinging them upward into the air like he threw something. Once he did this, several earth spikes the size of buildings went upwards towards Electrolite, hitting him in the back.

The Strongest, by AnonymousEonWhere stories live. Discover now