Aftermath Chapter| Copycat..

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(Start: 10-11-22; 08:55 PM)
Hi! Random idea I got hours ago-.. I'm writing in a different writing style because I'm on my computer. If I use my normal writing style that's because I'm using my tablet. Other than that, I will only be using my computer until my phone gets repaired-.. Also a little back story: A villain character in this chapter has a theory that Marshall is gay/queer. He goes to the lookout and pretends to be Chase to try and confirm the idea/theory. While on the other hand, Marshall is too scared to come out to his friends, and this villain's plan just might get him to. The people who have came out already are: Chase, Skye, Rubble, Ryder, Jake, and Carlos


It was a seemingly normal day in Adventure Bay, people buying things from cafes or stores and.. the PAW Patrol on another mission. But there was an unexpected person there, the Copy Cat. He seemed to be going after Marshall which caught Ryder's and Chase's attention. They both ran up to Copy Cat and fought him, he threw them off using his shape-shifting powers and kidnapped (Naw, he dog-napped-) Chase. When (should I give him a name-?.. yea-.. uhhhh... how abttt, Ethan-?) Ethan got Chase into his hide-out, he tied him up to a pipe.

Chase soon woke up and looked around until he saw Ethan. "Let me out of here!" Ethan rolled his eyes. "And why should I?" Chase thought and sighed, "Just let me go." Ethan chuckled a bit. "Ha, like I'd take orders from you! Speaking of you..." Ethan walked a little closer to Chase with an evil smile. (Ethan/Copy Cat has to touch [victim] before he can shape-shift. He gets everything but memories.) Chase moved a little and avoided Ethan's touch. "Try again, Copy Cat." Chase said smiling a bit. Ethan groaned, "Stay stil--" he then got an idea.

"Wait... You stay here little victim." "Huh-?" Chase looked at Ethan confused as he walked out of the room. Ethan walked into one of his rooms and went through the closet, "found it!" he took some fur off of a coat made with cat fur and chuckled a bit. He returned to the room with Chase and smiled, "Now this should help!" Chase raised an eyebrow. "What--" He sneezed and rolled his eyes, "never... *sneezes* ...mind-" Ethan laughed a bit. "Now just stay still.." Ethan dropped the fur near Chase which caused him to sneeze and gave Ethan his shape-shifting chance, which he took.

He touched Chase's shoulder and shape-shifted, "Yes!" he said smiling. Chase sneezed before realizing what happened, "No! Cra... *sneezes* ... Ugh!" Ethan laughed a bit and saw the fur he dropped. He picked it up and threw it on Chase "Heh, whoops-!" Chase sneezed twice, "Wai--... *sneezes 2x* ...--t! What are... *sneezes* ... you try--... *sneezes 4x* ...--ing to do?" Ethan turned around to leave. "Expose someone~" Chase looked up and saw Ethan about to leave, "Could you at least..." Chase sneezed again and sighed, continuing what he said after Ethan had already left.

"Remove the cat hair-" Chase looked around to see if there was anything to use to cut the rope, but he found nothing. He sat in defeat and waited for freedom to come to him. Meanwhile, Ethan ran into a building and pretended to be lost while waiting for the PAW Patrol to find him. After a little Rubble and Tracker had found him and helped him get back to the lookout, Ethan was a little nervous since he didn't have Chase's memories. But he knew Chase's relationships with everyone and the basic things.

Ethan looked around for Marshall and found him in his room. Ethan smiled in a sinister way before walking in and closing the door. "Hi Marshall!" Ethan said, Marshall looked up a little confused and slightly waved. "What's up, Chase?" Marshall asked as he put his phone down, Ethan shrugged. " How can I get him to say he's queer? I know he is and I want to expose him! It'll be the biggest secret I've ever exposed! " Ethan mentally sighed and sat next to Marshall on his bed. (My friend decided to type this: juzan is the best sssssssssssssllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.<3)

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