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Aria was awoken by Marty frantically shaking her "Marty, it's 12:30 in the morning, why are you waking me up?" She groaned, looking at the clock beside his bed

"Doc needs us to meet him in the parking lot of the twin pines mall at 1:15" Marty responded "you fell asleep early" he chuckled

"Sorry" she muttered. They grabbed their skateboards and skated towards twin pines mall.

As they arrived, they noticed doc's truck in the parking lot and Einstein the dog sitting behind it. "Einstein! Hey Einstein, where's the doc, boy? Huh?" Marty said to the dog while patting him. Aria stared and the truck as there was a whirring sound coming from the truck. The back of the truck started slowly opening, smoke pouring out of the top, revealing a DeLorean, with the number plate "Outatime" on it.

The door of the DeLorean opened to reveal Doc with a pen in his mouth and a clipboard in his hand. "Doc!" Marty and Aria spoke in unison with identical smiles on their faces.

"Marty! Aria! You made it!" Doc exclaimed


"Kids, welcome to my latest experiment, it's a big one, the one I've been waiting for all my life!" Doc exclaimed excitedly

"Um well it's a DeLorean, right?" Aria asked

"Bare with me kids, all your questions will be answered. Roll the tape, we'll proceed." Doc explained

"Uh Doc, is that a De-" Marty was cut off by the Doc saying

"Never mind that now, Never mind that now."

"Alright we're ready" Marty replied, raising the camera up to his face

"Good evening, I'm Doctor Emmett Brown, I'm standing in the parking lot at Twin Pines Mall, its Saturday morning, October 26th 1985, 1:18AM and this is Temporal Experiment No. 1." Doc said staring straight into the camera as Marty checked his watch. "C'mon Einie! Hey hey boy! Get in there! Atta boy! In you go, get in!" called to the dog, ushering him into the car, and putting the seat belt over the dog as Marty and Aria watch eagerly from behind.

"Please note: that Einstein's clock is in complete synchronization with my control watch" Doc explained to the camera, showing the clocks off.

"Right, check Doc" Aria agreed

"Good." Doc responded "Have a good trip Einstein, watch your head" Marty and Aria watched in confusion and curiosity as Doc shut the door to the DeLorean, shutting Einstein inside.

"You have this thing hooked up to the car?" Aria asked Doc, gesturing to the remote control in Doc's hand.

"Watch this" Doc replied, ignoring Aria's question.

"Yea okay." Aria muttered, as Doc fiddled around with the buttons on the remote control. The DeLorean suddenly reversed and turned to start driving away from them.

"Not me, the car, the car!" Doc exclaimed to Marty to tell him to focus the camera on the car. the car turned around to face them with a screech, and Doc pulled them to stand in front of it. "If my calculations are correct... when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit." Doc said to them, smirking. The DeLorean's wheels started to turn with a loud screech and Aria started to bite her bottom lip, afraid of what was going to happen. Marty and Doc looked at eachother, Marty was nervous, but Doc was excited for what was to come.

The car started to move towards them quickly "Watch this, Watch this" Doc said, pulling them both back towards him because they had started to move out of the way of the car in fear.

The car hit 88 miles per hour, just before it hit them, producing a bright flash, lighting the road where they were standing, on fire. They turned around to see where the car had gone, only to find the road on fire where the car should have been. "HA! WHAT DID I TELL YA?! 88 MILES PER HOUR!" Doc yelled excitedly, jumping up and down with his hands in the air. Aria looked back and forth in disbelief, look for any trace of the DeLorean, only to see the number plate spin and fall on the floor. "The temporal displacement occurred at exactly 1:20AM and 0 seconds!" Doc yelled

"Ah! Jesus Christ" Marty said, dropping the number plate quickly after picking it up "you disintegrated Einstein!" Aria clapped her hand to her mouth in shock

"Calm down Marty, I didn't disintegrate anything!" Doc explained "The molecular structure of both Einstein and the car are still both completely intact!"

"Then where the hell are they?!" Aria questioned

"The appropriate question is, WHEN the hell are they!" Doc responded "See, Einstein has just become the worlds first time traveller! I sent him into the future! 1 minute into the future to be exact! So at precisely 1:21AM and 0 seconds, we shall catch up with him and the time machine!"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Doc? You're telling me you built a time machine?" Marty breathed out "Out of a DeLorean?"

"The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine out of a car, you might as well do it with some style! Besides, the stainless steel construction made the flux dispersal-" Doc was cut off by a beeping sound coming from his watch "look out!" he said pulling both Marty and Aria away as a there was a flash and the DeLorean appeared, still intact.

They slowly walked towards it, only stopping when a huge bunch of steam came suddenly flying out the back of the car. Doc's eyes narrowed as they continued to walk towards the DeLorean. Doc tried opening the door, only to withdraw his hand suddenly and shake it around

"What, is it hot?" Marty asked in disbelief

"It's cold!" Doc responded, using his foot to open the door, the frost on the outside of the car making a cracking sound as it broke apart. "Ha Ha! It's exactly 1 minute behind mine and its still ticking!" Revealing Einstein's clock. Einstein hopped out of the car and ran into Doc's truck. At that point Aria started to feel quite dizzy, and thought when they were done with this, she ought to have a lie down.

"He's alright, he's fine! and he's completely unaware that anything happened! as far as he's concerned, the trip was instantaneous!" Doc explained "That's why his watch was exactly 1 minute behind mine! he skipped over that minute it arrive at that minute in time! here, I'll show you how it works!" Doc pulled them over to the DeLorean, getting in the car.

"First, you turn the time circuits on, this one tells you're going, this one tells you where you are, this one tells you where you've just been. You input you're destination time on this keypad. Say, you want to see the signing of the declaration of independence or witness the birth of Christ! Here's a red letter date in the history of science! the day I invented time travel, November 5th 1955!" Doc explained

"Yes of course... November 5th 1955! that was the day I invented time travel! I remember it vividly, I was standing on the edge of my toilet, hanging a plaque to the porcelain when I slipped and hit my head on the sink and when I came to, I had a revelation! A vision! A picture in my head! A picture of this!" Doc said, pointing at something attached to the wall "this is what makes time travel possible, the Flux Capacitor!"

Thanks for reading!
I'm going to split this into 2 parts because I can't write anymore at the moment, I'm just way to tired and have no motivation.
1294 words

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