𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 34

196 19 1

Both jimin and y/n :- taehyung is in danger......

Y/n pov

I looked at jimin worriedly at the mention of letters

The horror that is over my face , was also lingering in jimins face

Y/n:- what this ? How?

My brain has stopped functioning, taehyung was stabbed during fight and which cause serious injury.

It was send by jungkook

And the fact that this method of messaging used it means they are trying to lay low

What happened to you ..my heart was sinking deep which each second jimin was taking to answer me

Jimin:- i am not sure ....but i am more worried this so not jungkook way of sending message are they both in danger?

His words  send more fear to me then relief what if they both were holding hostage

No no don't think bad

Y/n:- what if this new way of sending message means he is warning you there something wrong and be aware

Jimin is nodded assuring that he was thinking the same

Y/n:- jimin we  have to go and save them please

Jimin:- no y/n we can't , you are almost near your goal we can't just go back

Y/n:- so what you want me to just ignore and let him suffer!!!

I shouted at him after  listening to his absurd answer

What he Mean huh ugh

Jimin:- calm down y/n taehyung and jungkook both are my friend too , i won't anything happen to them .

I sighed i was losing my cool he is right  he is there friend he won't let them suffer

Y/n:- i am sorry for shouting, i - i was just little worried sorry

Jimin:- it's okay y/n i understand that

Y/n:- any plan ?

Jimin:- i can't leave you in middle, i can't leave them too i am worried..let me think for a while

Y/n:- jimin ...i have a plan ...but promise me you will accept it .

I looked into his , letting him know what i mean by that ...he was shaking his head as no .

I get him , it the worst decision but it's the only way

Jimin:- are you out your mind? I won't just leave you

Y/n:- jimin jimin listen they need you i have few people that can help me and once you get they are safe and sound you can come to help me right . Jimin just cause of this a kingdom can't loose his king please understand and go .

*After 15 minutes*

Jimin:- i am going but you have live till i come ...if you don't i- i will kill you.

I just smiled reassuring him that i be safe , then he halted his horse towards back the kingdom at full speed

While i started my journey toward my goal .

With each passing second and soon i get closer the memory of me running away was coming

I ran away that day to save me and be a coward but today i will what i should have done way before

I won't fear him , i will tell his bloody truth to everyone

*Almost dawn*

I get inside the kingdom safely, i looked around only to find everything deserted and destroyed

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐤𝐭𝐡!𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now