6 - Base

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I feel dizzy, last thing i remember is suddenly collapsing in the middle of the road. It is around midnight. My head hurts, i try to get up but fall back on my knees.

I think its been 4 hours? What was i doing here again? Oh yeah, i was gona get an id...

Did i get one?

Here it is! A green id with my name on it. Is it supposed to be green? Probably.

I slowly walk outside of town. I showed my id to the guard and he made a stiff face, tho i dont know why as he let me go after a few seconds.

I wonder what time it is right now...

Well, whatever. I better go back to the base.

I slowly walk inside the forest and start heading towards Exia. It is mostly a boring walk other than the few rogue F-Rank beasts i one shotted with my machingun. It took me 3 days with my slow walking speed to finaly arrive near Exia.

I arive near the force field, touching it and entering inside.

<Welcome Back Miss N.>

"Oh, hey Exia."

<Did you manage to become an Adventurer?>

"Huh? Oh, they... didnt accept Androids as adventurers... buuut, I got an id!'

<Well, i made 8 Security Drones, 6, Miners, 4 Transporters and 2 Manufacturers!>

"Wow, thats great."

<Is something wrong Miss N?>

"Well, im a bit sad that they didnt accept me bc of the way i was born, but its fine. I still have to do other things i guess..."

"I also saw that most beasts around this area are weak, but we can never be too careful. So, I will try to make a Jetpack and a Laser Cannon for my hand. Oh! And we should make a body for you too Exia!"



Exia and I have been working on a body for her for the last 3 days. I also made a laser cannon extension and even a jetpack!

Exia's body is now nearly complete, she is also made out of the nanofabric material my outer body is made of and we used the ship's backup computer for her processor. It took a while to adjust her physical looks, but we managed to make her look almost human!

I back step a few times as Exia posseses the newly made body. Infront of me stands a platinium gray haired girl around the age of 16. She stands 155cm tall, sligtly shorter than me. Her hair extends to her wraist and is straight. She has golden eyes with a + sign as her pupil. She is relatively thin and her legs are tall. Her chest is flat. She is wearing a white lab coat and gray thin jeans.

She looks at me while we make eye contact. We blink a few times, she runs at me at full speed and jumps. I am suddenly hugged by Exia as she starts crying.

<Miss N!!!! Thank you for this body!!!>

I speak as I hug Exia back.

"No, I should thank you for helping me survive on this cursed world!"

After the hugging that lasted way longer than it should have, we back away and head towards the control room.

"Wait, Exia, if you are in this body, who is controling the systems?"

<That would also be me, i use this body to walk around but its just an extention of me. My real body is still the main command computer.>

"Hm hm, i see. So, what are we gona do now?"

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