Nightcord - 2

403 32 8

"Seperation of grief"

Mizuki, Ena and Kanade were walking home, side by side as they were all heading in the same direction — yet not one of them made conversation. The sound of silence was deafening, it was all you could hear. As the group made their way to the central crossing, which was unusually silent and not as busy as per usual, they came to a halt after Mizuki stopped dead in their tracks. Their head as angled at the floor, and their face was unable to be seen.

'. . . her fault. '

"....?" Mizuki paused. Did something just whisper to them? But, it wasn't Kanade nor Ena. But the felt..familiar? It almost sounded like... No, it couldn't be. She wasn't here.

' kanade is a liar . . . a selfish liar . . .'

' obtain the ' truth ' . . .'

Mizuki tugged on their hair, were they hearing things due to feeling stressed? The voice.. what was it talking about? Why would Kanade be a liar? The voice was...convncing, Mizuki decided to push some buttons.

"Kanade...Tell me the truth...."

Mizuki mumbled, their back facing towards Kanade and Ena. The two shared confused and concerned glances as they stepped forward to check on their friend.

"Eh..? Truth..What do you mean by that Mizuki?"

Kanade questioned, what did Mikuki mean? What 'truth' did they need to know? Did...she do something bad?

"Did you truly care for her? For Mafuyu.. Were you really trying to save her or were.... you doing it for yourself..?"

Mizuki shouted, distressed, as they spun to face Kanade, making her jump slightly from being surprised at the sudden movement...and what Mizuki had asked.

"Huh- I— What—?"

Kanade's eyes widened, surprised she stumbled backwards as her heart grew tense. What was this gut wrenching feeling? Was Mizuki right, was part of all this, part of a selfish gain for herself? No. No, it wasn't. Kanade knew this, but perhaps this sudden thought combining with her grievance, made her begin to doubt herself.

"Don't...Don't play dumb Kanade! You weren't trying to save her.... you were trying to save yourself! If you truly did care about her, you would have tried harder!... you would have...!! you.. uhggh!! "

Mizuki continued to shout, tears swelling up in their eyes as they yelled with Kanade. Their expression was frustrated, heartbroken. Their tears eventually began to pour from their eyes as their voice got more and more hoarse.

Kanade was holding back the tears, the choking feeling in her throat.

Ena stood silent, watching the commotion get worse as it turned into a full argument with the two shouting at each other. Ena...she didn't know what to do, everything she loved was crumbling around her right before her eyes. She wanted to run, to hide, she wanted to scream and shout, and how badly did she want Mafuyus comfort that she had given her one time, although it felt so random to Ena when Mafuyu comforted her once, it still made Ena feel calm and happy.

Ena clenched her fists and looked towards the ground as Kanade and Mizuki continued screaming, shouting and blaming eachother, this wasn't going to end soon, so she turned and ran away, without Kanade and Mizuki noticing her.

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