That Night

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The same nightmare that plagued her time and time again was replaying itself now. Siyeon remembered everything about that night clearly.

She was sitting at her desk in her small room, working on her homework for school. She was getting more frustrated by the minute as she stared at her computer. She was supposed to be writing an essay, but her word document had stayed a blank page for the last 20 minutes. Everything that she typed, she soon deleted because she didn't think it was good enough.

Suddenly, her sensitive ears picked up the front door opening and heavy footsteps approaching. She became more alert, her spine becoming rigid and her heart pounding.

Is it... him? She thought anxiously to herself as she stared at her door with wide eyes and dilated pupils. But I thought Junior normally doesn't come back until very late on Fridays.

Taehyun was Siyeon's eldest half-brother, but most people always called him Junior because their father's name was also Taehyun. Rather than call him Taehyun the Second, they just called him Junior.

Except for Siyeon. They weren't that close; in fact, he was abusive toward her. If he wasn't insulting her or calling her names, he was hitting or slapping her.

She analyzed the sound of the footsteps, realizing they were indeed coming closer and closer to her door. Guessing by how they were echoing, he was in the living room now. They also seemed unusually heavy and clumsy, so she surmised that he was drunk. Her breathing became more ragged and she could feel the beginning of a panic attack coming on. Maybe he's not coming here, maybe he's---

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped right in front of her door. She held her breath, hoping he would stagger away somewhere else. Her wishes went unanswered; the next moment, she saw her door knob rattling. It made her heart pound even more.

She always locked her door, but she also knew it was useless because Junior had keys to every door in the house. He used it to go into her room whenever he wished. Her mind immediately recalled the times when he would purposefully open the door on her when she was taking a shower and---

She snapped back to reality when she heard keys fall on the ground. "Shit," her older brother muttered. After a few seconds passed, the rattling started again. Her worst fear came true when her door opened without so much as a knock. There stood Junior. His face was flushed red and his eyes were barely open; if that wasn't enough, the way he staggered to her really drove home just how drunk he was.

"What're you doin'?" He asked as he walked toward her, his speech very slurred.

She felt herself cringe involuntarily at his close proximity. "N-Nothing... just homework..."

She prepared herself for what was inevitably to follow. He usually only sought her out like this to take out his anger on her, normally through insults and physical abuse. That must be why he's here now.

He was now directly behind her. He quirked an eyebrow up at her response, noticing how tense her shoulder had become. "Oh..." He hiccuped. "You... You look stressed... How about I help you?"

"Huh?" She asked in genuine confusion. What does he mean by that?

Before she could say anything else, she felt him place his hands on her shoulders and begin to massage her. Immediately, she felt repulsed by his touch. She stood up from her chair, then placed both of her hands on his and tried to pry his away. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm really fine. Please leave!"

He ignored her and instead tightened his grip on her shoulders, pushing her back down to sit on her chair. He then leaned down and whispered, "Stop being so stubborn... Let me help you."

She continued to protest and tried to pry his hands away, but it was no use. He wouldn't relent. She was small and weak compared to him, so she couldn't physically force him to stop. She was trapped too; she was stuck in her desk chair with him right behind her, blocking any exit she may have. She sighed and decided to give up. At least he's not hitting me.

But that brought up the question of why he was being so nice to her. What does he want from me?

Not only that, but she felt his hands wander lower and lower down her torso. First, they were at her shoulders, now they were at her collarbone. She couldn't help but worry that they would go even lower to her breasts. But surely he won't do that, right? He hates me and he's my brother!

Just to be safe though, when his hands moved below her collarbone, she crossed her arms over her chest. "Thank you oppa for your help, but---"

He didn't even let her finish before he roughly grabbed her arms, separated them, and then put them at her side. He leaned in again, but this time, his mouth was so close to her ear that she felt his hot breath. "Stay. Still."

Something in his voice paralyzed her with fear. She couldn't move, and even if she wanted to, she was trapped and at his mercy. He knew that and she bet it gave him a sick sense of satisfaction to once again have power over her.

He slipped his hands under her shirt and bra and began to grope her breasts. She felt immediate repulsion but couldn't say or do anything. She started to involuntarily tremble with fear.

"What a pretty little doll you are," He said in a low voice with a smirk. "You have nice tits too... Sometimes, I forget you are so blessed. After all, you always wear baggy t-shirts..."

She wanted to snap back that she wore them so she wouldn't catch the attention of any man, but she couldn't find the strength to say or do anything. Instead, she forced her eyes shut and prayed that he would stop soon.

But he didn't. He continued to grope her and then began kissing her neck, making her more repulsed by the second. Her breathing became more labored and tears brimmed in her eyes.

"Please... stop..." She begged, her voice barely a whisper. Whether he heard her or not, she didn't know. He continued to ignore her.

Please, someone help me!

At that very moment, something fell in the house and made a noise. Junior snapped his head in the direction of the noise, no doubt worried he would get caught by someone. No other sound was heard, but it seemed he didn't want to take any chances.

"Seems like our fun has to be cut short..." He said regretfully before removing his hands from her chest.

She was grateful he had stopped, but unfortunately, he still wasn't done. He leaned close to her ear. "At least, for now." He then whispered in a predatory tone, "I'll come back later tonight. Also, this is our little secret, okay? Don't tell anyone else."

She tensed up again when he placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek before leaving. When he shut the door, she collapsed out of her chair and onto the floor. She then curled up into a ball, finally releasing the tears she had held back. She felt as if she was going to throw up.

She woke up from her nightmare, breathing hard and gasping for air. Though she knew she was in her college dorm now and not her old room, she couldn't be at peace. Every night, it seemed she couldn't escape that bastard. That night replayed again and again for her, plaguing her endlessly.

Tears fell from her eyes once again as she covered her mouth to stifle her sobs. She had to go see her "family" tomorrow for dinner, but she didn't know if she could stomach it. Not when she could still recall every little detail of that night and everything she endured in that hell.

Above all, she remembered that she felt dirty. When she went to take a shower that night, that feeling wouldn't leave her, even though she scrubbed her skin until it was pink and raw.

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