Siblings Bonding and Time Spared

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Dru was getting ready for school and singing softly to herself. "When it rains, it pours
There will be blood in the water
Cold to the core
Faith falls hard on our shoulders
This is our time
No turning back
We could live, we could live like legends. " Eddie's voice bellowing through her partially open bedroom door made her jump, and she stopped dead in her tracks...." That the song you want to open the set with tonight?" Eddie asked her softly, she hesitated slightly before answering,she didn't want to show her brother she was anxious,she had been playing with Corroded Coffin for years but she had NEVER sang the opening song before...EVER ..that was always Eddie's he was trusting her to do it....she was worried..."uhm yeah,I I can change it," she stammered, keeping her eyes fixed on the floor below...."Change it....why change it? Dru, it's the perfect opener, plus it leads right into 'This is the Hunt' it flows great.... you're gonna be awesome up there besides I want to show Nancy and the rest of them that we are more than just freaks....that YOU are more than just a freak labeled may I add by she's Miss Perfect....we all know she's only using Steve to hurt you and that in reality she's banging the older Byers boy....she seems to think that she's a frickin daydream....more like a nightmare in disguise." Dru giggled at his description of Nancy...."Funnily enough Eddie there's a pop song that sums her right up....I may metal it up a bit tho and it could be the song to end the set tonight, if that's ok with you and the others obviously..." Eddie looked at his sister and smiled..."They don't care what we play along as I pay them....and with you as the front of us,both singing and on the advertised posters...we should get a decent crowd....." Dru looked at herself in the mirror...."I 5 she sighed...Eddie gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead before turning to leave her room and get ready for school himself..."hey Dru...if it makes ya feel a bit better about yaself....if we weren't related in any way shape or form...I'd frickin bang ya.....but your my twin so it's a big nooo, but there will be plenty out there that would defo wanna....and if they get past me then... we'll see. " he chuckled and quickly ducked as a spikey yet fluffy slipper came, hurtling full speed towards his head.. "Dru, what the hell? I was being nice!" He said as he got himself ready.. "If you want a lift and have time to pick Robin up on route, then I'll meet you at the truck in 5!" Dru watched him run out to his truck and watched him furiously start cleaning the seats.... Dru gave her hair one more blast of hairspray before running out after Eddie,locking the trailer behind her.
Within 10 minutes, they'd picked up Robin and were on route to school..."wow Eddie you're actually going to be in form room on time for once..." Robin playfully teased ..."Haha, actually Buckley, I have a quick impromptu meeting with Chrissy in my usual spot....if I'm quick, I'll be on time for first period," Eddie replied,"Jesus H Christ Eddie,Again......if it's weed, Chrissy wants. I've got a few joints ready rolled and ready to blow... hehe.. I mean go.. unless it's just code for the pair of you to get freaky deaky in the woods....." Dru shuddered at the image she had just visualised within her own head,

shaking the gnarly unholy image from her mind, Dru hugged her bro before heading into Hell itself with her best friend awkwardly following behind.

It was finally lunchtime and Dru decided to skip the madness of the lunch-hall, after all Robin had a band meeting,and she didn't really fancy walking through the cafeteria past Jason and his basket ball-bag buddies ,or past Nancy and her little following...and as much as she loved her brother she didn't really want to join the Hellfire club table again.....instead she headed to the spot both herself and Eddie do the occasional drug sale....she had no intention to sell she just wanted to sit alone and eat the little bit of lunch she bothered to bring with her and smoke a small joint before having to return to the hell that is Hawkins High she approached the usual table she noticed there was someone already sitting there,as if they were waiting for someone....getting closer she suddenly realised it was noone other than Steve himself....this was odd... why was HE here? What could he possibly want...Dru swallowed hard before making her way to the occupied picnic table and sitting down...."Dru, you came.... finally.... I was starting to think you weren't going to...." Steve said smiling at her, Dru looked at him slightly confused " Steve,I I didn't even know I was gonna be coming here to hang out myself let alone know I was meant to be meeting you here, I mean it's not the best thing for me to be doing,what if your girlfriend Nancy finds out you were with me...alone.... No offence, Harrington, but 1 scar from lil miss Perfect is enough thanks...." Dru got up to leave when she was stopped suddenly by Steve pulling her into a medium force bear hug .. "I heard about what she did to you....Mike filled me in this morning after he heard her laughing and bragging about it over the phone to Barb..I even confronted her myself this morning and well she didn't deny it.." he looked at the long angry row of stitches snaking up Dru's arm before looking at the floor sadly," I I know it probably doesn't mean anything but I don't think you or Eddie are weirdos or freaks...I think you're both extremely unique in your own styles and preferences....I admire that...I also don't think that you are ugly either....I think you're beautiful,and smart and funny....and Robin tells me your opening the set tonight at the Corroded Coffin I would like to ask...if..." He quickly pulled out a Corroded Coffin gig flyer for tonight from his bag and placed in front of Dru "can I get your autograph please,I'm your biggest fan" he smiled handing her a pen....she smiled back, "well Shit me Steve I kinda assumed you were here to score some weed" she giggled nervously..."cuz well I have like 4-5 ready rolled joints on me...." She took one out her bag and lit it, " oops better make that 3-4 joints ready to go. " he smiled before hugging her tight... " I'll be there tonight....I'll be stood near Robin...I can't promise that Nancy won't be there tho.." he spoke sadly, " Meh, it's fine as long as she has paid for her ticket... Besides and please don't get mad at me or take any kind of offence but I have a song that I'm ending with and it's kinda from her perspective and also sums her up to a T..." She looked at her hands,her feet,anywhere but at Steve. She didn't like seeing him sad or disappointed..."Dru, I can't wait to hear it. I just wish you sold tapes after.." he said softly, Dru smiled slightly before rummaging through her bag quickly,she found what she was looking for and quickly tossed it to Steve,"Here ya go Harrington, it's the cassette I made to show the rest of the band I can sing.... keep it. " he caught it and quickly put it in his bag "wow thanks,I'll keep it safe, we can discuss it at a later date, ok?" he quickly hugged her before pinching the lit joint from her mouth and a fresh one from the bag in her hand," See ya tonight, Dru!" He said before leaving.....Dru sat at the bench and lit another joint...."Son of a bitch,he didn't pay for them" she said quietly before getting up and heading home to get ready for tonight's gig

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