Corroded Coffin:Set 1

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Dru was in her room, adding the finishing touches to her makeup while Eddie sat on the bed tuning both 'Sweetheart,' his precious guitar, and Dru's bass guitar, "They sound as sweet as ever!" Eddie said with a beaming smile across his face..."Hey, sis, guess how much we were able to sell tonight's gig tickets for... which is a complete SELL out if I may add...Dru...A SELL OUT!!!" He bounced up and down on the edge of her bed like an excited toddler at Christmas...."Go on then Dingus,how much did we see sell them for?" She waited patiently for her brother's reply...."Well we sold ALL 300 tickets for $15 each so that's a whopping $4,500 so then we split it between 4 that's $1,125 each....Dru I'm pretty sure it's because we slapped you on the flyers....." Dru blushed slightly...."Eddie, we don't know. That's the reason..." Eddie rolled his eyes playfully at Dru before standing up and taking the two instruments out to his van....Dru finished up spraying her hair and followed close behind....

The venue was absolutely rammed tonight...Dru couldn't believe that they had actually managed to sell out all the tickets and fill the venue to its maximum capacity...that had NEVER happened when Corroded Coffin have played before...Dru almost fainted at the sheer amount of people waiting for the gig to start......she watched Eddie and the others set up and take their places on the stage behind the smokescreen.....she could see Robin to the left of the stage in a designated VIP area Eddie had set up.. Chrissy was there too, she was about to turn back round to get ready when she spotted Steve rush through the crowd and take his place by Robin.....Nancy stood in the area directly behind him in the non VIP area...Dru couldn't help but smirk at the clear handy work of Robin that made that happen....her heart was pounding in her chest when she heard Eddie's guitar start up and the set had officially started.....she slung her bass over her shoulder grabbed her microphone and started singing the opening song as she slowly and mysteriously made her way out onto the stage.
"When it rains, it pours
There will be blood in the water
Cold to the core
Faith falls hard on our shoulders
This is our time
No turning back
We could live, we could live like legends
This is our time
No turning back
We could live, we could live like legends
Live like legends
We could live like legends
This is our time
No turning back
We could live, we could live like legends
This is our time
No turning back
We could live, we could live like legends
Live like legends
We could live like legends
Faith falls hard on our shoulders
But legends never die. "
-music slowly fades out
Dru stepped forward to face the crowd "Good Evening's so good to have you all here tonight.....that last song was Live like Legends ,we hope you enjoyed it as well as what's to come!"

Dru strutted seductively across the stage before disappearing in a puff of red smoke..... The crowd murmured a bit but that was soon silenced when the music started up again, slowly getting louder and gaining more momentum....lights flashed around the venue like a little laser and black smoke swirled in-between the light beams.......a silhouette suddenly appeared as though it was suspended from the ceiling, but slowly descending lower and lower towards the stage....Dru's voice could once again be heard "Nothing is the same
There's a new world
Calling my name
I can't escape this
Shadows break the dark
And we know that it can be verified
Our fate is beckoning
It's beckoning"....... She descended lower and lower till finally her feet where firmly back on the solidness of the stage.....she quickly caught her breath in between the small instrumental and before she knew it Eddie had joined her, they stood side by side at the front right corner of the stage as the the little light and smoke show started to slow down ..
"We live in shadows
We live where darkness hides
We'll go where no one goes
We won't give up this fight
We're coming after you
No where to run
We're coming after you
This is the hunt. "

There was a loud bang like a firework had exploded somewhere inside the venue and suddenly the stage was empty.... The crowd cheered, and Corroded Coffin had made it through the first half of their set..... More was yet to come.....

"We are taking a 15 minute interval before we return with the second part of tonight's show" Eddie said loud and clear over the sound system, Dru smiled and headed into her make shift changing room to freshen up and change outfit for set 2.....

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