Showers & Stitches....

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They soon pulled.up at the trailer, Eddie turned to face Dru," you ok to take the stuff in sis I promised Chrissy I'd be back to drop her some stuff to help her relax before finals.." he asked as she took the shopping bags from him, " Yeah that's fine as I said I'm probably gonna just lie down for a bit,maybe have a smoke and a snack that is if we still have some smokes left...I'm pretty sure I've got 2 ready rolled in my room" she smiled taking her bag and grabbing her keys," Catch you later Bro,you got Hellfire tonight yeah?" Eddie nodded as he handed her two more rolled smokes," Yeah I'm gonna chill with the guys after last period and then probably pop to Dustin's for dinner and then we've got our Campaign going on at Hellfire then I'll probably drop the boys off so I'll be back here around 11pm, I've got my keys so lock up if you wanna go bed" Dru nodded as she watched him get back into his truck and start the engine....within a matter of minutes Eddie was just a trail of dust heading back towards town....She went back into the trailer and locked the door behind her. She went into her room and gathered fresh clothes, before heading into the kitchen and getting the first aid supplies and grabbing the medical sewing kit...once she was satisfied she had everything she entered the bathroom and turned the shower on, Wincing she took off her baggy hoody and dropped it to the floor,before attempting to do the same with her was partially stuck to the gaping wound but at least it wasn't bleeding now, grabbing a damp sponge she started dabbing the t-shirt in the parts that were stuck to her,she didn't want to just yank it off and over her head as it may make the wound start bleeding again...Dru gritted her teeth and started to pull, she let out a small scream and then everything around her faded to black and she landed in a crumpled heap on the floor of the still running shower...

Over at School a panicked Robin had just been stood in a packed teacherless classroom,while an arguement between her best friend and their enemy had a screaming match...and just before she witnessed her best friend get physically stabbed by a boy in the exact same class, she ran out the class towards the carpark..maybe she could grab a lift to Dru's to check in on her friends wellbeing.
Robin ran to the car park as fast as she could,trying really hard to not bump into the constant stream of students coming and going either to thier cars or to their classes,it was like a never ending game of 'In and out the Scottish bluebells' she snaked in between the passers was going great till she literally came to a halt slamming straight into the side of Steve..."Whoa.. Robin, are you ok? You seem in a bit of a hurry," he said, looking at an now out of breath Robin...all she could do was nod awkwardly while attempting to catch her breath ...." Need" She paused, looking at the confusion to cross Steve's face, " Why, where is she,is everything ok? Did Nancy start again?" He looked at Robin with genuine concern..."Well, her and Nancy had a slight ruckus in the doorway of the classroom, but nothing Dru couldn't handle...." Robin looked down to attempt to hide both her sheer terror and concern for her friends' well-being..."But something really bad happened ... Nancy went one way to her seat and Dru attempted to go the other way to her seat when a lad or two in the classroom walked into her and one of them stabbed her....and then she took of running ...and I'm guessing she went home....I I don't know if She's seen Eddie or if she has even told him and if she hasn't I don't want to get her in trouble,but I need to get to her trailer to check on her." Steve waited in complete silence while Robin relayed the entire scenario to him...he could see how worried Robin was for her best friend....he hoped Dru was ok,he liked her,she was sweet and funny and not a freak like Nancy labels her, he started to unlock his car..."Get in. I'll drive you to her house so you can check she's ok." Robin nodded and quickly climbed in the passenger side of Steve's Car.

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