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It was the bright lights that entranced him, leading the way towards an unknown path. Resembling the bluish white stars scattered across the sky, warmer in comparison, he did not hesitate on walking without pause. It was far from the city lights he had grown up with, but far more astonishing in comparison. Perhaps it was the thought of wandering there for forever that pushed his scrawny legs to keep on moving, in hopes of finding a glimmer of hope for an exit to suddenly pop out of nowhere, to return to the modernity of today and the comfort it brings. A day, or more it seems, had already passed and he felt being drowned by all the blues, but he cannot sleep nor feel the sense of hunger. He is an existence solely made to keep on. No sickness, nor fear of aging, but he still felt an array of emotions, and it scares him.

To be stuck in the tunnel for eternity. Alone and forgotten.

On the third day he felt a lump in his throat, the burning sensation growing stronger minute after minute, and it is foreign but welcomed. Not sure of the reason, he decided to lay down for a while, hands on his throat, thinking of all the possible scenarios. The stale air, the moss scattered across the floor, the bluish gray smoke that occasionally gets spurted off across the hidden crevices. It might be one or all of those, that had led to him feeling sick. But he never got sick before, his kind that is, and it being the first time makes him more thrilled and accepting of the situation rather than being repulsed by thought of possible death with something so simple compared to the suffering of many.

The pain is accepted wholeheartedly, like a newborn who have cried for the first time upon being able to feel the cold air across its little physique.

'I want to understand. How you feel pain, when you smile because of the most mundane of things, when you tear up because of a heartbreaking story, all of it. I wish to understand you better, but I can't. And I probably wouldn't be able to. Even so, would you not leave me?'

'It's better this way, for you to remain in that world of yours. You don't need to feel pain or hate someone or be afraid. It's far better that way and you don't need to understand any of it. And yes, I will stay here with you. Don't worry.'

And by his next blink the after images were gone, like a short whiff of smoke vanishing mid-air. He can still hear faintly but the illusions have merged with reality that he cannot be sure if those were footsteps running towards him or random rocks filling in the void of the tunnel. Either way, his ending is assured.


"The Chroma has started moving. Will we really stay still this time?"

"You know that it is still a rumor and there's no solid evidence brought by the inspectors. This alliance forged with them took decades to be resolved. Are you willing to sacrifice Sapra for a measly change of a risky success? The Central Metropolis is already under the control of the council through the ones we've inducted to have influence, if we proceed with this it'll be affected in a worse way. This is way more harmful than beneficial, and obviously not a worthy investment!"

Through the windows adorned with black crystals and white bones, the Minister looks across all estate, justifying the actions and decisions he's committed with, that it'll bring more benefit than harm. Their country's noble palace and system a stark contrast against the modern image that their 'ally' has. Experiencing a day in each would feel like traversing across different times and worlds but a simple train trip connects the two, the borders clearly divided in writing but already overlapping with the existing communities on it.

It is indeed true that the two government bodies have already agreed on peace and made relationships upon business exchanges and export of resources, and that their ways of livings beyond these would be left untouched neither will they harm interactions and bonds formed along the borders, however, it does not mean that all threads of tension have already dissipated. It had instead grown more through the years and the recent changes in the throne's descendant only threw more fuel to the flame.

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