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Author's Note:

Inspiration for this one will be a pic in the heather. Hope you guys like it!!!


Apo saw the tweets. He saw the lines. He read the jokes. He did NOT like it one bit. So he decided to let the world —and specially his BOYFRIEND— know by being silly on the TL and instagram...

As soon as the event was over, Mile knew something was wrong. He expected at least a few messages of his lover about random cute cats, clothes he was inspired by or wanted to buy, or even silly jokes and out-of-the-blue comments and quotes. Yet there was nothing. Zero. Nada. Apo was never this quiet, not this long, not with him, unless something had happened or they were 'fighting'. Mile decided to see what was up and, as soon as he entered twitter, he knew.

'Well damn.' he thought, trying not to laugh at how cute his baby was being.

He saw the tweets where fans tagged him about the cue lines to marry him, and how to snatch him and everything in between. He even saw some people trying to ship him with other coworkers and saying how cute they looked. All in all, Mile didn't need to investigate much. His baby was very jealous by nature —just like he was—; difference is, Apo was stealthier about it. But Mile knew him very well by know. So, with a plan on his mind and a quick goodbye, he went to hunt down a pouty kitty.


Apo's plan wasn't working. Mile hasn't called him yet.

Apo was ready to sent him a message, when the door to their place opened and Mile walked in, his leather brief in one hand and a single poppy flower on the other. His curious face must been very prominent, because Mile smiled. Not giving him a chance to stand or even talk, Mile took his shoes off at the entrance, dropped his brief on a chair and knelt in between Apo's legs, hugging the man and laying his head on his lap, exhaling happily.

"Hey handsome." Mile murmured, looking up to his beautiful man. "For you." He extended the flower, watching Apo study the flower.

Apo untangled himself from Mile, accepting the beautiful gift, not able to contain his happiness at such detail.

"Why?" Was the only thing he said, while putting the flower in a simple vase.

"Can't I bring a gift to the sole owner of my heart and soul?" Mile smiled from the sofa, wiggling his eyebrows in that way that made Apo burst into laughter. Without fail, Apo laughed and strolled back, both laying down on the sofa and cuddled. Apo was not stupid, he knew Mile knew. But confirmations didn't hurt.

"So you know, huh?"

"Of course I know." Mile softly snorted. "How long do you think I've known you?"

"Sorry," Apo said while hiding his face on Mile's neck.

"I didn't know what came over me. I know it was silly to get jealous, kind of, over something stupid." He continued almost in a whisper, afraid to voice his insecurities and fears.

"Babe, there's nothing to be sorry about." Mile said while hugging him and softly stroking his back. "What you felt is valid, and it's okay to need reassurance, even for things you think are silly. It's my job as your boyfriend to reassure you and tell you that everything is okay.  So never hide it from me again. As soon as you have doubts, tell me. We'll work it...together." Apo raised his face and nodded in agreement. After a soft rub of their noses, Apo's face took a mischievous look.

Mile knew his bratty baby was back.

"I think I like you the most when you're just with me and no one else." Mile laughed wholeheartedly.

Hugging his man back, he whispered an 'Of course you do' before crashing his lips with Apo's. He would not change his teasing, bratty man for the world.

-The End.


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Until next time!!!

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