Only Good Thing

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Author's Note:

A moment in MA's every day life where Mile remembers and reiterates how Apo is the best, if not the only good things that has ever happened to him...Or just pure MA fluff and feels.


HEY GUYS!!!! I'm back again with another MA Drabble full of feels and emotions and IDEK what to say anymore. I just had to.

I hope you guys like it!

This is dedicated to Koki for reminding me that taking my time is totally okay and most of the time is deeply needed, for us to heal and become whole again. Thanks for your words girl, you have no idea how much they meant to me. This one's for you!


Mile quietly woke up, trying to not move a muscle as he took everything in

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Mile quietly woke up, trying to not move a muscle as he took everything in. The sun shined softly from the glass window wall that was in front of them, letting him know it was still very early. Stretching his arms above a little, he abruptly stopped when something move on his chest. Looking down, he saw the most important person in his life, nuzzling his face on Mile's chest as he got comfortable and kept sleeping.

He's the only one Mile would sacrifice anything, the one who he would burn the world for, the one he would kill and die for. The only man he has ever loved. The only being who owned his heart, body and soul.

The journey here hasn't been an easy one. From long distances, to insecure feelings; from shy pecs at workshops to idiotic rumors that threatened everything before it began; from three day escapades to proposals; from vintage shops to night cocktails...

'From wishing upon a star, to making his wildest dreams come true... because he IS my very own miracle.'

Yes, they have come a long way, but every hardship, every fight, every tear and every heartache has been worth it...
'for the privilege to call him mine.'

The simple, yet elegant white gold ring shone in the sunlight filtering in, a bold statement of what was coming ahead. A drastic change Mile was more than ready that he welcomed with open arms.

Lowering his arms and hugging his lover, Mile brought Apo closer to him, nuzzling the crown of his head where he inhaled the unique citrus smell of the shampoo his lover favored lately. He couldn't believe such domesticity was finally posible. Couldn't fathom the wild kitten to finally understand this is where he belongs. He tried to hold a chuckle; his body softly moving as to not jolt his sleeping lover awake. Really, what strange turns life gives...

"What's so damn funny at seven in the morning." His lover grumbled sleepily, nuzzling even deeper as he chased the remnants of his sleep while hiding from the rays of dawn.

As much as a morning person he was, Mile did tire him out last night; and today being a rare free day, he wanted to rest and sleep in as much as possible.

Mile chuckled and looked at the clock, noticing it was indeed still early.

"The fact that you are almost on point it's hilarious in itself." Mile murmured on Apo's hair. "But I was just thinking of what a lucky SOB I am, for having you in my life, on my bed, as the person who is going to spend the rest of our lives together. I couldn't be happier. I was just chuckling in content, it was not my intention to wake you." Mile dropped another kiss on his head and moved sideways, hugging Apo near as he got even more comfortable.

Apo groaned at his lover's cheesy antics, hiding his face in the middle of Mile's pecs while willing the blush away. Seriously, how can the man say shit like that with a straight face is beyond him. Not in his wildest dreams Apo thought Mile Phakphum Romsaithong was a cheesy hopeless romantic. Yet here they were, and he was secretly pleased the older man was so helplessly in love, not that he would ever utter such things.

But it was only fair since he, too, was irrevocably in love with the gentle idiot...not that he would ever proclaim it out lout...again.

"Come on sleepyhead," Mile nudged after a moment longer in bed. As much as he wanted to stay in to cuddle and have wild monkey sex. There was a schedule to keep up. "If we don't get up now we will be late and then our mothers will kill us. I'm too pretty to die here Luv."

Moving from Mile's chest to the pillow on the bed, Apo groaned again and shushed his lover away.

"Shut up, today is my free day and I'm allowed to sleep in." He grumbled and he made himself even more comfortable under the white comforter.

Mile chuckled and got up, taking the comforter with him, making Apo sit up in protest.

"No can do. Did you forget the reason you have a free day today?" His infamous eyebrow rose as he crossed his arms on his bare torso.

Apo couldn't help himself. He lazily appreciated the specimen in from of him.

From the supple neck with his marks on, to the define chest that had his nail marks imprinted; to the strong arms and veins he bit not long ago; to the delicious abs he licked melted chocolate and whipped cream like it was his last desert, all the way to the low-riding pajama bottoms that should belong to a clothing line made by the devil, designed to sin...

Apo shamelessly checked him out, unconsciously licking his lower lip in a lascivious gesture of appreciation for the damage he made last night. Yeah, he was his, alright...

And then it clicked. The holiday. The mothers. The shiny white gold band on his ring finger.

Today was his wedding day.


Their mothers were gonna kill them.

Bolting out of the bed like it was on fire, Apo hurried to the bathroom to prepare in record time. Mile could only laugh as he lazily followed suit.

This is what he wanted.

Endless morning of them getting up late cause they couldn't get enough from each other. Endless lunches as they make messes in the kitchen. Endless afternoons by the swing on the porch as they talked. Endless nights where once wasn't enough, and their desperation for each other only made them closer.

Mile was a spoiled man, a selfish man, a man who was used to get his way...and he wanted it all. All their firsts and all their lasts...

And as he looked to the horizon beyond their window, he vowed to never let anyone or anything take that away.

Apo was finally his. His one and only. His very own happiness...

The only good thing in his life.

-The end.

Feel free to tell me what you guys thought of it!!!Until next time, Xoxo Fanykuroi

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Feel free to tell me what you guys thought of it!!!Until next time, Xoxo Fanykuroi

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