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I've been in the recording in the studio for a whole month now, and it's starting to all come together now, I haven't heard or seen Shemar for about 3weeks now and I haven't been able to answer his calls or even call him

Keri: I think you should let this song be first on the album and just let the rest fall into place

Toni: But I would really love if "Spanish Guitar" could be like the second song on the album since I released it after "He Wasn't Man Enough to"

Keri: We can go with that one to!

Toni: Great! I knew you couldn't argue with me! *smiles*

Keri: Your so evil *laughs*

We then discussed the whole album until Keri just kissed me out of nowhere, I wanted to stop him but his lips were so soft, and I felt a deep air inside me, I couldn't stop him, until he started unbuttoning my shirt

Toni: Keri no!! I have a boyfriend!

Keri: That doesn't love you as much as I do, that won't ever be able to love you even if he tried

Toni: You don't know what your saying!!!

Keri: Ok look am sorry, I just love you so much! I've never ever felt this way about a woman! Toni Braxton I love you, and I wanna make love to you! Now or whenever your ready

Toni: Keri! Stop!! You don't know what your saying!!

Keri: I do! And I also know that you love me to!! Why is it that you never have time to call Shemar but you have time to call me at 4 in the morning?

Toni: I... *grabs him closer*

I then grabbed him closer and kissed him, he then undressed me and I undressed him to, he then picked me up and placed me on the piano, we then had sex on the piano, after the sex, I then snapped out of everything

Toni: *nerves look* I need to go! Now!!

I then grabbed my clothes and dressed myself and left in such a rush, I got in my car and drove to my house, and then I thought of how I took all Shemar's love and twisted it and threw it in the fire! I then started crying

Toni: *self talk* I hate myself! I slept with another man! Shemar will never ever forgive me!!

I finally arrived at home, I got out and went inside and completely forgot about Markes, well at least he was nowhere to be found, I then fell to the floor and drowned myself in my tears, I was crying the whole night, until the morning, I then wiped my tears and decided to get up from the floor and go take a nice long shower

•Phone rings•
My phone then rang, but I couldn't get it since I was in the shower, I then got out and grabbed my phone off my night stand

^Phone call|| Shemar^
Shemar: You finally answered!

Toni: *nerves* I just didn't have any time by my side these days! Am so sorry

Shemar: I understand! Your forgiven, you sound tense&nerves are you ok?

Toni: *nerves* Am good!

Shemar: Ok! Well then can we please go out tonight?

Toni: *nerves* Am... Sure!

Shemar: Great! Be ready by 7

Toni: *tense* Ok!

Shemar: Get well soon babe!

Toni: Ok! <Hang up>

I was wondering why Shemar had told me to get well soon, but I really didn't wanna tell him anything, I rather keep this secret with me for the rest of my life then break Shemar's heart and trust, I got back in the shower and stayed in the for 2whole hours, and then I heard a noise

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