Blessed with the best

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Me&Kaitlin had been cooking, until I felt something a contraction

Kaitlin: Mom are you ok?

Toni: Am fine! Just a little kick from the baby... *water breaks*

My water then broke

Kaitlin: Ewww!!! Dad!!! Mom wet herself!!!

Toni: *horrified* Kenny!!! Get the bag!!!! My water just broke

Immediately when Kenny heard me say water broke he ran upstairs grabbed my bag and took me to the hospital, we got there and my contraction kept coming this was a strong baby he kept on kicking and kicking harder until the words came out

Toni: *grabs Kenny's hand* Get this thing out of me!! Now!!!!!

Babyface: Am afraid your gonna have to do that

Toni: *fake smile* Shut up!!!

They took me into the delivery room and all I knew was that I was pushing for my life and all I had to do was be brave and push Kaiden out, yes me&Kenny decided on the name Kaiden it goes with Kaitlin, I had been pushing for 9whole fucking hours, excuse my language am just in so much pain right now, I pushed and then the doctor gave me some news

Doctor: Your about 4cm away from giving birth *Toni pushes again* I see his head, Oh my God!! His coming... His coming *baby cries* And his here!!!

I was so relieved that Kaiden was finally out of me, I am finally single again, am so happy to finally meet Kaiden, the doctor gave him to Kenny and then Kenny gave him to me, he looked just like his father

Toni: Isn't he gorgeous?

Babyface: Of course he is! I mean look at his father!

Toni&Babyface: *laugh*

The nurse took him and placed me in another room, I took a little nap we all know after giving birth your gonna be tired I mean I pushed for 9hours without resting at all, the least I can do now is rest

•6hours later•
I woke up and saw Kenny holding and Kaiden and walking around with him and singing him sad love songs

Toni: Am pretty sure Kaiden does not wanna know how your crush broke your heart *laughs*

Babyface: *laughs* Yeah well I guess your right! *gives Kaiden to Toni*

Kenny placed Kaiden in my arms and he is just so handsome, Kaitlin then came inside and she was so happy and also looked a little sad to

Kaitlin: I guess this means am no longer your baby huh!! *playing with Kaiden's toes*

Toni: Your still my baby you and you know that, your my medium baby, Kenny's my large baby and Kaiden's my small baby

Kaitlin: *laughs* She called you a baby *points at Kenny*

Babyface: Whatever!!

Kaitlin: Can I hold him?

Toni: You can try! *hands her Kaiden*

Kaitlin: Oh Jesus!! His so heavy...

Babyface: She looks like she's about to pass out

Kaitlin: I do not!

Toni: Yes you do!

All of them: *laugh*

As I looked at them I thought to myself "Am really Blessed with the best!!!!"

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