Chapter 5 (Part I)

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Hey guys♥ I'm back!! Lmao- anyways this chapter has like 2-3 parts so here's part 1 and again thank you for reading my nonsense <333

During the night before the festival...

Tighnari's POV:

Music...Claps and chaters it's all I could hear. I couldn't help myself but dance... Seeing everyone so happy and seeing him. In that moment Cyno grabbed my hand and asked me to dance with him, how could I not accept this lovely offer. So with that we dance and dance. When we finished dancing and talking a bit, we see that we ended up at the balcony of the building. "Oh it's look like we got a bit carried away." "Yeah..." "Hey Nari...Don't the stars look beautiful tonight" When he said that he gave me looked at me and gave me the biggest smile I've seen. In that moment I couldn't help but realize how stunning Cyno's eyes looked at night... Such delicate but fierce crimson red eyes and with that smile...And when I see how close we were- Our faces...our bodies are so close...I can even feel his heartbeat- I couldn't help but think- do I even deserve to have someone like him? then after thinking about it- Cyno kept staring at me, more specifically my lips...Sure I got butterflies- but when I heard the words that came out of Cyno's mouth... "May I kiss you, Nari~?" Of course I was surprised by the sudden question but at the same time I can't stop this feeling- I want to kiss him so bad... I want to express my feelings for him in so many ways... And so I didn't even answered- I just slowly and gently grab his face and kiss him...and with that i woked up-

*"WHAT THE FUCKKK!??"* I thought as i immediately woke up. *it was a dream?! B-but it felt so I wanted it to be real, damn it. With that I looked at my side and saw Cyno curled up and sleeping like baby... "I can't believe that was a dream..." I said as I touched my lips with a sad expression. *"I can't believe I really fell in love with this idiot..."*

After I got up, I started making breakfast and someone came in to the kitchen, Its was Collei and by the look on her face I could tell she was exploding with excitement.

"Morning, dad!!" "Good morning, Collei-" "So what chu making?" "Breakfast" "Well duh- eh anyways can you hurry up!! We gotta get ready for the festival today!" "Right! The festival is today, but Collei it's like 9am?""And? We gotta go shopping!""You got money?""Uh no- but please just this once""...""Ugh- fine, I'll clean my room and do the dishes for a week" Collei said as a way to try to convice me"...Fine, only because I ain't got nothing to wear and you better do your chores-""Hehe! Thank you!!""Yeah yeah- just get ready, I'll finish making breakfast and then we can go- wait let me wake up Cyno so he can come shopping with us""Wait- can we bring some friends?""Sure""

After a couple a minutes...

Nobody's POV:

*"Huh?"* Cyno thought as he slowly raised his head from the pillow, noticing that Tighnari wasn't there with him. *"Oh- he's already awake... Wait- Today's the festival"* He thought as he realized today is the day he's going to confess his feelings for Tighnari- Of course he was nervous, I mean what's the worst that could happen...? Cyno continue to think on how to even confess- *"I'll just be myself- to be honest... I knowed Nari for so long he probably knows that I really like him- right?

While Cyno got out of bed- Tighnari entered their room. "Oh- you're awake" "Mh morning, Nari!" "Morning, anyways we're going shopping, alright?" "Ok- give me a sec to change..." Cyno starts to change uh- in front of Tighnari. "Cyno-" Tighnari said as Cyno takes off his shirt. "What?""..." After Cyno realizing the situation, he couldn't help but laugh a bit."Mh...You don't like the show?~" Cyno said smirking until he looked closely at Nari...Tighnari couldn't even talk- he just felt butterflies all over his body...When I tell you if this man didn't get control over himself- he would've already done unspeakable things to Cyno...But of course he did stared a bit- I mean who wouldn't? "I- uhm, b-Bye?!!" Tighnari said as he reacted quickly and left the room.

After Cyno got changed...

Cyno's POV:

*"To be honest, the way he reacted was more than enough to give me a smile and a bit of I don't know confidence? Yeah confidence that I needed for today of course- Hehe! And plus he looks so adorable when he's flustered..."* And then Tighnari called me to come and eat breakfast.

Tighnari's POV:

*"Mh...this guy really likes to tease huh...he even got me stuttering with his fine ass-"* "..." I paused a bit. *"What the hell am I thinking!? Tighnari calm the fuck down-!"* I thought to myself. I can't believe I'm having those type of thoughts running through my mind. At this rate I was ready to throw myself off a cliff, Well uh after that situation- I finished breakfast and then I called Collei and Cyno. "There breakfast is ready-" "Thanks dad!" "You're welcome, Collei.." "Yeah- thanks, Nari~""Mh well then... Eat up-"

After they all ate, they got ready. They made it to the mall and they meet up with a couple of friends like Nilou, Dehya, Candace and even Amber and her girlfriend, Eula came to visit Collei to spend some time with her and plus they were on vacation.

★Chapter 5, Part I (Completed)★

Finally! I finished another chapter :), sorry for not posting in a while- School has been a living hell, anyways sorry for any spelling mistakes and thank you for reading!! Have a great day/night <333

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