New Beginnings

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You and Ron had ice cream and some snacks.

Yn: Hey Ron, don't ever get angry at you eomma Or appa if they are not giving you time. You know just tell them how you are feeling you know your eomma was so scared

Ron: About what momma

Yn: About thinking how you will react on baby's news

Ron: But why

Yn: You know if you have said no about getting a sibling then mommy won't bring the baby

Ron: Does this happen

Yn: Yes, it do happens but you know it is not that much difficult process as well, but for your eomma it will be more difficult, you know it can also lead to her bad health

Ron: No, I don't need my eomma to get sick see momma I am a good boy now I said yes to eomma as well

Yn: Yes you are but now we need to take more care you if we do one mistake it can cost alot. When you were born the same situation was there then also

Ron: Really mommy

Yn: Yes, but at that time it was just me and your appa, but you know now you will have me, appa, buddy, grand parents as well, Lara aunt, your Yoongles, kookie and Jennie

Ron: What about me, you forgot me
(He said with a cute pout )

Yn smiled and kissed his cheeks

Yn: Ofc you will be there with her, but you know for some days I will ask your appa to stay here only once you granny comes then you go back what say

Ron: Yes momma

With that you drove to Tae's office
Tae came and sat in the car

Ron: Buddy, you know

Tae: What champ

Ron: I am gonna be big brother

Tae got shocked in hearing this he saw Yn and she smiled. Tae got worried thinking if Yn is pregnant then how will he manage the things

Yn: Hey are you listening to us Or not

Tae: Huh, what were you saying

Yn: I said that should we let Unnie and oppa stay at our home when Oppa's family will come then they can go back

Tae: But why

Yn: Why not she is expecting she needs alot of care, I remember at Ron's time she became so sick because of morning sickness that she could hardly eat anything. I myself don't wanna take risk

Tae: Yaa, I am saying that they can stay with us only

Yn: Hmm, but you need to talk to them they will refuse me telling that I am younger than them you only tell them

Tae: Okay, I will order them

You and Ron giggled together.

Soon you all reached home
You went to freshen up while Tae took Ron and went to meet Troy and Mina

Tae: May I come in

Troy: yes bro don't need to ask

He put Ron in bed and he went to hug his eomma

Tae: Congratulations🎉🎉 brother for the new member

Troy: Thanks and you also now you will become uncle not buddy

Tae: I am fine with both, but I came here to tell you both that you will be staying for the time your parents don't and if you want then you can leave or else stay with us only

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