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Now Yn had planned the baby shower and the preparations were done. 

Yn: Tae, what happened? 

Tae: Nothing (coldly) 

Yn: What nothing, I am noticing you from a long time either you are only engrossed in work or you are not at all talking to me

Is there something bothering you? Tell me

Tae: What should bother me Yn, neither we have kids nor anything even you don't have time for me 

Yn: Tae, listen to me 

Tae: What listen! I am trying so much to adjust but you are not letting me

Everytime I think to spend some time someone or other comes and you get busy

Yn: Tae! But

Tae: Please Yn, I don't ask for time doesn't mean that I don't want to spend time with you. And now if you think we can't work on our relationship it's absolutely fine. We can SEPERATE


Tae: Yes

And with that Tae left the room angrily, Yn broke down into tears 😢 

Time skip to 12 am

Jungkook called Yn

Jk: Noona (sounds like whisper) 

Yn: Yes Kook

Jk: Noona, come and open the door, hyung is fully drunk 🥴🍺 we need to take him to room without making any noise

Yn: Yes, you are right

Then both Jk and Yn took Tae inside the room and then Kook went to his room

Meanwhile drunk Tae

Tae: Y~NIE! YOU knOw I lOvE U aLot

BUt yOu Don'T hAvE tImE foR mE BuT dOnT woRy I wILl lOvE yOu tilL tHe MoOn bAcK

Let's mAkE LoVe

After that they made love and imagine the rest of the scenes 🔞🔞

Next morning

Yn woke just to find an empty bed, she sat and remembered the last night she was happy that finally they took their relationship to the next level but she was scared as well since Tae was not in his sense 

She stood up, but she felt pain in her lower abdomen. She rests throughout the day

While Tae was still angry 😤😤😤 

He left early in the morning and came pretty late. Yn also was not feeling well. 

In night

Yn was waiting for Tae and it was 1am already. She heard the lock unlocking so she came near the door

Tae: Oh! What are you doing? (Coldly) 

Yn: I was waiting for you, why did you come at this time ik there is no upcoming project as well so come on time from tomorrow

Tae: Did you ever try to be by my side, since you find your lost sister you seem to forget me 

Yn: TAE! Now you are crossing your limits

It's better if we sleep now or we will end up fighting

Tae: I don't care

Yn: But I care, so let me go 

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