Kaminari flinched violently as he felt like his arms were on fire. In this universe, there were not only quirks but also soulmates, and every sensation you felt your soulmate would feel too. It wasn't like that from birth though. It would only start when both the people were 16+ and it would end once you too knew who each other was. Kaminari loved the idea of soulmates. It made him happy that someone was destined to be with him and hopefully love him forever. Regardless of that, ever since Kaminari turned 16 every day at a certain time he would be in a state of pain and anguish from his soulmate doing god knows what. He feared his soulmate was a villain or a bad person, considering he was starting his first day at UA the next week that wasn't exactly ideal. He sighed popping a pain pill to maybe null the sensation so he could get a 30-minute nap in before his mom got home. After awhile of still having to suck up the pain, it eventually started subsiding making it easier for the yellow-haired male to go to sleep.

A little over a half an hour later Kaminari woke up rubbing his eyes softly and getting out of his bed walking to the kitchen and pulling out a bottle of water. He chugged it down throwing away the temporary plastic bottle before flopping on the couch with his phone. He still felt a slight sore tingle from his arms and legs but it was starting to dissipate which probably meant his soulmate took pain killers as well. He scrolled though a few apps not hearing the door opening or his dad creeping up behind his with a sly grin on his face.


His dad yelled grabbing his shoulders his smile going from a grin to a full on beam. Kaminari shreaked accidentally letting off enough electricity to shock his fathers finger tips making him immediately let the boy go.

"Ah sorry dad you scared me!!"

He said looking very apologetic as the older male chuckled softly sitting next to his son on the couch.

"Its okay, Denki don't worry. So.. how have you been feeling today?"

Kaminari's dad asked earning a groan from his son that's now turned to face him.

"Terrible it took me 20 minuets to feel fine enough to take a nap and when I woke up it still wasn't completely gone!"

He exclaimed as his father sighed softly. He put a reassuring hand on his sons shoulder. Kaminari's father wouldn't admit it but he was also worried Kaminari's soulmate was caught up in something bad and that really scared him but he didn't want to worry his son (or wife) any more than they already were.

"Hey! Cheer up!! I know it's hard now but it'll get better!"

His dad said putting some optimism into the situation before hearing the door open signaling Kaminari's mother was home.

"Hi mom"

Kaminari said as she chirped a hello before kissing her husband curtly.

"Any pain today?"

She asked as Kaminari groaned again explaining the pain and that it was as bad as usual. After he got done ranting his parents gave him sad looks trying to make him feel better about his soulmate but it wasn't working. Kaminari wondered if everyone went through stuff like this or if it was just him. He still had a slight frown on his face that didn't go unnoticed by his father. He got up from the couch getting a few of Kaminari's favorite things in an attempt to cheer him up. He set them on the couch next to Kaminari with the remote seeing his face light up as he began to find a movie they could all watch.

A/N: Hiya idk if anyone will read this but its fun to make so if you are I hope you enjoy! Updates whenever I can :)

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