46 2 2

Kaminari woke up to the sound of his alarm clock ringing. He was going to turn it off and go back to sleep when he remembered what day it was. His first day as UA. He jumped up immediately going to the bathroom and taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and putting on his uniform. He looked in the mirror fixing his hair to make it look decent looking at the time seeing he wasted at least 10 minutes and would be late if he didn't leave soon. He ran downstairs eating a piece of toast and a few spoonfuls of the breakfast his mom made him before putting his shoes on and rushing out the door. After a few minutes Kaminari made it to UA but the entrance was swarmed with reporters. He feared he would be late if he tried to wait for them to clear so he just went in sending out small bits of electricity to make people move and make it easier for him to pass. Once he was in he walked up to the entrance walking into the door amazed by how everything looked. He checked the time on his watch seeing class would start soon which made him stop ogling at the school and make his way to classroom 1-A.

Todoroki was up pretty early so he could take his time getting dressed. Once he was finished he made his way downstairs finding his siblings sitting at the table all eating breakfast he joined them as they all ate in silence until his sister spoke up

"Sho you look nice in your new uniform"

She said as he looked up at her giving a small nod

"Thank you"

He said finishing his breakfast putting his dishes in the sink then going to the door and putting his shoes on to leave. He said a small goodbye to his siblings ignoring his father that walked into the room and walking out the door making his way to UA. By the time he got there a lot of reporters were outside but it was still manageable for him to get through. Once he did he made his way to his classroom taking a seat in the back watching as other students began filling in. Todoroki looked at everyone trying to see if he can figure out their quirk from their appearances before he heard someone talking to him

Kaminari looked at everyone already in seats and talking to other finding an open seat that he liked next to a spiky red head who instantly gave him a friendly grin

" Hey my names Ejiro Kirishima!!"

He said introducing himself to the blonde that instantly matched his grin

" Hey! I'm Denki Kaminari!! Nice to meet you Kirishima!"

He said not usually this polite but his nervs were still getting the best of him

" Nice to meet you too dude!! This is crazy right this whole school looks so unreal!"

The red head now knows as Kirishima said and the blonde immediately agreed with his statement. After awhile of talking the two notice the class immediately get silent as they looked to the front of the room seeing a guy in a yellow sleeping bag that they soon find out is their teacher pro here Shōta Aizawa otherwise known as Eraserhead. He soon explained that they would immediately go into an assessment and that they would be missing orientation downstairs. Some of the class complained but were immediately shut up by Aizawa saying they could leave if they wanted to go to orientation so bad. Soon after Aizawa told the kids to put on their training uniforms and head outside to the designated area. Once everyone was there Aizawa explained the rules and stated that the person in last place gets kicked out he began the assessment with giving a spiky blonde haired kid a ball and telling him to launch it as far as he could which he did while screaming " DIE" which ofc was intriguing to Kaminari although his ears popped when the guy used his quirk. After that the assessment commenced and everyone tried doing the tasks aizawa set being scored on how well they did them. Kaminari observed everyone's quirk feeling slightly insecure since he saw some that were a lot better than his before his eyes landed on a boy with half white and half red hair. He watched as the boy used his quirk which from what Kaminari could see was some type of ice thing but he wondered why he didn't use his other side. Once all of the assessments finished Kaminari saw himself at 16th place under a guy with tape dispensers for elbows which Kaminari thought was pretty cool. He saw the kid with the half and half hair was in second under the girl who could create stuff which only intrigued him even more. Kaminari talked to a few new people he had made friends with cracking jokes and feeling a lot more relaxed and comfortable now as they walked back Into the school.

AN: HII im sorry i was gone so long this is a little rushed I'm literally in class and sorry if I left out or didn't put the correct stuff that happened in the episode it's been awhile😭😭 but I hope you enjoy!! Updates whenever I can!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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