Todoroki shot a large wave of ice at the big man in front of him. Todoroki's father often forced him to train but especially now since his first day at UA was coming up next week. He had been training at the same time every single day and his father did not hold back in deflecting Todoroki even when the boy was hurt. The boy got temporarily distracted on hitting his father with the ice that he didn't see how open he was and inevitably got blasted with a strong wave of fire faltering the attack he was about to send and sending an extreme burning sensation on Todoroki's arms. He cursed softly to himself still using his left side not wanting to let his father win by using his right. After awhile Todoroki saw his body starting to get a light layer or ice over it which didn't go unnoticed by Endeavor. After seeing this he stopped the training letting his son go since they had been at it for hours.

Todoroki sighed walking to his room and popping a pain med to numb the sore ache of his muscles before turning on the shower stripping from his training clothes and hoping in. He sighed softly in contemptment feeling the hot water roll down his body warming up his left side and making his muscles not ache so much. After a few minutes he got out drying off and changing into some different more comfortable clothes. Once he did he laid in his bed putting on a random movie and resting his eyes a little listening to the sounds of the show.

He hated having to train everyday. He hated having to push himself to his limit. He hated not being able to do what regular teens his age did. But he had grown used to it by now and was counting down the years till he could finally leave this house. As he was watching the show he flinched feeling a sudden sharp electric pain going through his whole body. This wasn't uncommon ever since he had turned 16 and his soulmate had as well he would feel this every now and then. It was uncomfortable and took some getting used too especially when they happened at random times in the day or night. Sometimes they were small and only tingled but other times they were enough to make Todoroki's hair static up and make his body feel like it had just been deep fried.

Todoroki knew what it was. It was his soulmate. Todoroki didn't really care for the idea of soulmates. I mean he used to until his father discouraged his and constantly told him they didn't matter. He did want to know who his was tho and why. He knew soulmates were supposed to be perfect matches for each other which made him wonder who his perfect match was. But like he said he didn't really care for the love part although a small part of him really craved it but he would never admit that. Once he was sure another shock wouldn't happen he laid down again closing his eyes again this time to hopefully get a small nap in before dinner. After a few minutes of laying with his eyes closed under the warm blanket he fell into a light dreamless sleep.

A/N: HIYAA 2 days in a row:) I feel accomplished. Hope you enjoyed reading!! updates whenever I feel like it:))))

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