Final Chapter of Book 1

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A couple of days later
3rd person pov
The now immortsl werewolf and Original Heritic sat in Ambrosia's bedroom. "So I'm immortal now." "I'm sorry." The Heritic blurts out feeling like she forced him to give up his mortality for her. "Ambrosie, hey, look at me. I'm not upset. You saved my life." "But at the cost of your mortality Scott." "Ambrosia Salvatore, future McCall-Salvatore. I was always going to become immortal to be with you forever. It just happened a little sooner than we planned, and frankly I rather be immortal than dead." "So you don't hate me, Scott." The Original whispers weakly. "I could never hate you, Ambrosia, you're my mate and the love of my life, the future mother of my children. Ambrosia in no world, way, or alternate universe could I hate you. Ok, now I have work. Why don't you go check on Stiles he's been at the hospital all weekend." "I was planning on it, I love you, be safe, and don't forget to bring your lunch. I made one for Doc, too, so please don't forget it." "Thank you, see you later, Babe, love you." "See you later, Love, I love you too, Scott." Ambrosia stopped at the diner getting a burger and curley fries for Stiles, aka the brother she never had. She ordered herself some chicken tenders and regular fries because curly fries are nasty, she also thinks Stiles is crazy for liking them. She then decided to get Sherrif and Malissa some, too. She walked into the hospital, handing a bag to the sheriff. "Thank you, the daughter I've always wanted." "Of course, just don't tell Stiles he may kill me, so it is our secrets. She then found Malissa, who gave her a big hug. "Thank you so much. Did I ever tell you how happy I am that you are dating Scott?" "Only every time I bring you food. Come on, Malissa, I've got to get those brownie points since I'll absolutely be marrying your son." "Fine by me, and I would be overjoyed to have your as a daughter-in-law. You make my son so happy, Ambrosia. " The two most important girls in Scott's life laughed together before Ambrosia said bye so she could bring Stiles food that is not disgusting hopital food. She begins walking to her brother. "Stop, you dirty girl." She heard him whisper in his sleep she giggled. "Wake up, you horny idiot." She really needs to get her brother laid again soon. "What! Ambrosia, what are you doing here." "I've brought food which we will go eat in the cafeteria, because hospital food is nasty and you can't live off the vending machines." "Did I ever tell you you're the best, and I wish you were my blood sister." "Quite a few times." "Well I stand by those statements because they're the truth. But, I can't leave the area what if -" "Stiles Gemini Stilinski, you are leaving these seats, and we're going to the cafeteria. Do not fight me on this because I will pick up all 147 pounds of you and bring you to the cafeteria understand." "I'm not moving what if -" Suddenly, he definitely let out a manly squeak as he's picked up and carried away. The sheriff looks towards them and shakes his head. Mr. Martin looks confused before looking back at the sheriff. "Has he been here the whole weekend, and I thought you only had one kid." "He has been here the whole weekend, and she's a friend of my son, who I basically adopted as my own. She spends more time at my house than her own. They meant a couple weeks ago when she joined BHS basically were instant siblings. Her, Scott, and Stiles have been attached at the hip since then. He's a lot happier with her around. He needed someone to be his friend because of him, not because he plays lacross or because his best friend is first line." "That's nice, but why has he been here all weekend." "He feels responsible. He was her date and let her go look for Jackson. If he hadn't, we wouldn't be here. Blamed himself for something that wasn't his fault at all. Ambrosia's helping him."
At the cafeteria
"It's my fault." "Stiles do me a favor and shut up. Stop blaming yourself." "She was your date and chose to look for Jackson. You were being a good person and let her do so. This wasn't your fault, Stiles. None of what happened is your fault. Stiles, it was all her choices, and it was the consequences to Jackson's actions." "I know it's just -" The heretic was getting more and more pissed as he blamed himself. Not at him but at Jackson for causing issues and at Lydia, who is facing consequences that were her fault, yet Stiles blames himself." "Shut up!" He shuts his mouth, knowing she's serious because she almost never raises her voice at him. "She's facing the consequences of her actions. She's facing the consequences of Jackson's actions, and she's facing the consequences of the Argent's actions. I could even throw Scott in that group, too. But, nowhere is it your actions." "Ok I hear you." "Stiles you're my twin flame, basically my little brother, I will always tell you how it is, and I will never let you blame yourself, Stiles." "Thanks for getting me food, Ambrosia." "Of course, let's go see Lydia again." Just as they get back, there is a scream, and Lydia is gone. Lydia was gone running naked somewhere, and nobody knew where. Ambrosia and Stiles look at each other before grabbing something and running to get Scott to help look for her. The question is where did she go and how will they find her. "Can you smell her?" "No maybe if she was bleeding but nothing." "Ambrosia, what are we going to do? No doubt hunters will be after her." "I may not always like her, but we will just have to find her first.

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