does it bother you?

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word count: 857
warnings: swearing, smoking, sexual comments/situations, allusions to sex, lovey tooth rotting fluff
a/n: yes, i did finish rewatching season 3 for the umpteenth time the other day. yes, i did sob at billy's death. yes, it did hurt more than usual. yes, i am upset over him. yes, i am trying to fix it with this. i miss him, man.

You never saw yourself being particularly touchy or clingy towards a romantic partner

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You never saw yourself being particularly touchy or clingy towards a romantic partner. It always, always, pissed you off to see couples in the halls at school making out or feeling each other up. Hanging all over one another in public.

But Billy.

You wanted to be near him all the time. At first, you were very shy and careful about the PDA or just touching him in general, even though he told you you could touch him any time you wanted.

You'd go as far as holding his hand, letting him kiss your cheek, but that was about it.

You still were careful, mostly around others. But lately, you'd just wanted more. He was yours, and you wanted him all the time.

The two of you alternate in terms of who calls who before bed each night. Billy loves to hear your voice. You've told him that you don't like it, but he fucking loves it. So every night, it's like a little treat, just for him, that you're comfortable enough to just talk to him for a little while. Even if you're on the verge of passing out, so it's a short, "Go to sleep, pretty baby. I know you're tired. I love you, 'kay?"

It's just that as of late, the touchiness has increased in small ways.

"BILLY HARGROVE!" You shouted at him from where he was sitting on his porch. He'd been waiting for you to come over, smoking to pass the time. He looked up at you, worried you were pissed at him. You weren't screaming, but it was louder than your voice normally was.

"Get your ass over here!" He stood, stretching, and your eyes did not miss the skin of his stomach and his happy trail before they disappeared under his shirt again. He stepped down, walking over to you at your car.

"Yes ma'am?" He pushed a chunk of hair behind your ear, awaiting a lecture.

"Wanna kiss." You grinned up at him, and he visibly calmed down.

"Well in that case." He tugged your body flush against his, right hand squeezing your ass, left holding onto the back of your neck, and kissed you. Hard. He licked into your mouth, sucked on your bottom lip as he pulled away, and had a shit-eating grin on his face when he was finished.


You'd started hooking your fingers into Billy's belt loops, not wanting him to go too far, maybe rubbing your hands over his hips.

When walking beside him, you'd grab hold of his fingers slipping them into his, wanting to feel the weight of his palm against yours.

One afternoon, laying in bed with him, you simply rubbed up his leg, over his stomach, enough to make him shiver and then pull your body over top of his.

You've just been loving on him. There's no other way to describe it other than lovin' on your pretty, pretty boy.

"Why're you bein' so touchy lately?" Billy asked you after you'd snuggled up to his back as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

You let go of him, wounded. "Does it bother you?"

He could see you shrink behind him, and spun around to face you. "No, baby. Not at all. You've just never been like this."

He picked your hands up and put them around his waist again.

"I just really, really love you and I want to be near you all the time."

Billy was kind of shocked. That was so fucking pure, so fucking sweet. And you were saying it to him.

"You're the only person who's nice to me." He laughed, loudly.

"Don't let anybody hear you say that. They're gonna think I've got a heart or some shit."

"Well you're a dick sometimes. But more often a squish."

"A what?" He asked you, quirking a brow.

"A squish. Just wanna squish and love on you all the time." You stopped, thinking. "Oh fuck. Shit, you see? This shit is your fault, Hargrove. I'm fucking in love with you and I've become nauseating."

Billy chuckled at you, "What if I like being loved on, huh? You gonna stop because you think affection is icky?" He lowered his hands, squeezing your ass once.

"No, not if you like it. But I really do love you, you little shit." You leaned in, kissing the spot on his neck that made him weak, knowing you could get him to cry out if you sucked on it.

"I love you too, baby. Love it when you're all over me. You wanna be over me right now? We don't have to leave for an hour."

"You'll mess up your hair."

"It'll be worth it if you keep kissin' on my neck like that."

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