chapter 11

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It has been a couple of months since natsuo moved with enji, Fuyumi and the boys moved back to their childhood home, and it was the beginning of winter break, so izuku, shoto and Fuyumi decided it would be time they start buying stuff for the winter now that all three of them have time, this year they were gonna be hosting a party, where all their friends and cousins would be invited to it, of course nana tekka offered to help but the boys told her to go enjoy her time with her friends and that they got this, Fuyumi was gonna make this a music themed , there was gonna be fancy little pastries, all kinds of juice, and games and activities for everyone big and small, from video games to alcohol related games, she was the most excited one, because she has been wanting to do this ever since she was a young girl, so it meant a lot to her to prepare this party.

Izuku on the other hand wasn't so excited about this party thing, he never really told anyone but he's always hated crowded places, he hated them even more if they were noisy, for once one of the todoroki's problem wasn't because of her but this one was because of some kids at school, ever since he was put in a different class from katsuki and aoi, he's been getting picked on by the older kids, not your friendly ha ha you're too young to be here kinda picked on, but it was so bad that izuku had very bad scars on his body that he tries desperately to hide from his siblings, him the Izuku Todoroki was hiding something from two of the most important people in his life, it wasn't like he wanted to. He was forced to, just like he was forced to stop hanging out with katsuki and aoi. He started becoming very distant, which alerted shoto.

See shoto loved izuku the most out of all his siblings, he might've spent most his time with natsuo, but truly it was his younger brother that he loved the most, he wasn't hiding it either. He was rubbing it on everyone's face that he liked izuku better, so it was no surprise that he was the first to notice izuku being distant, he tried to hang out but izuku would always find an excuses not to, so that's why izuku was looking mostly forward to the preparations so he'd spend more time with izuku, and this time since it was the last day of school before winter break, and this is how it went.

Shoto decided to walk home and was gonna stop by izuku's school and pick him up on the way, he stopped in front of the school and he talked to a guy who was there for security who let him in since shoto wanted to say hi to katsuki and aoi, he arrived to the class he was told he'd be in and he knocked, he soon entered after a faint come in was heard, he entered the class that once was called his and saluted the teacher, " ah hello shoto! How are you? " the teacher asked " I'm doing just fine miss, I know this is weird, but can I take my brother early today, I promised my sister we'd start decorating early " he said in his usual monotonous tone " well- " " he's not here, shoto he was put in the amazingly smart section or whatever " katsuki cut the teacher off " huh- I thought this was the amazingly smart section- wait. When was he even put there. No one in my family was aware that he was put on that section" shoto said in a stern but confused tone " well for your information that place changed izuku. A lot. " Aoi said putting his head down on the table, shoto nodded " I apologize for disturbing your class" shoto says as he bows and goes outside on his way to the gym because for some reason he thought he might find someone there to tell him where the class is because he was too stupid to ask the teacher where it was.

He soon arrived and found the gym teacher " hello hama-sensei can you tell me where the amazingly smart section is? " shoto asked going straight to the point " well todoroki number 3, I have them right now, you can sit there until they're done so you can take your brother i suppose " the teacher said, shoto nodded as all the students walked out of the Changing room, all except his brother, the young man was confused and was looking around in search for the younger version of his eldest brother, " alright smarty pan-" " um hama-sensei. Where's izuku ?" Shoto asked cutting off the coach " eh he was right- oh wait no you're right." Hama said now counting the students, the teacher caught some of the students smirking mischievously " OI you bleu boy and yellow man, Where's todoroki number 4?!" The two boys got scared and started blabbering some nonsense
" use words." The coach said in a severe tone " in the changing room.." they stuttered out.

Shoto went running to the changing rooms upon hearing that, he walked in and saw his little. Bleeding on the hard cold floor. Barely even breathing. Shoto  screamed in horror, and went on his knees next to his brother, trying to wake him up, the older boy was crying, he would never say it. But he really loved and cared for his younger brother, shoto carried him, and ran out of the school, and directly went to UA. He ran and ran until he arrived.

He was still crying, but he ran towards recovery girl's office as fast as he could, he ran through the usually crowded hallways,  until he found it. He frantically opened the door which startled the elderly lady, " recovery girl, please! I'm begging you! Please save my little brother please!" He said his voice cracking from how he was crying, the woman who was there during their trainings has never seen him like that, so if shoto was crying it meant it was serious.

She ran from her office to the small lobby and gasped, shoto was holding a small boy, who seemed no older than 13 or 12 years old " come on dearie, put the child on that bed ill see what I can do, ill call your teacher, and I would like you to call your guardian and your father please." She said, shoto did as told and put his brother down, recovery girl then saw a few blood stains on his uniform, it was obvious since he ran carrying izuku.

While shoto was putting izuku on the bed, recovery girl, called Aizawa and told him everything, she then went to the room and kicked shoto out of it.

( YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONNA CONTINUE THAT? BAHAHAHA, but seriously I'm too lazy to finish this chapter, and I really don't wanna keep y'all waiting so. Yeah. Love y'all <33) 

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