Chapter 02

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~Mirror Chamber~ 3rd P.O.V

Everybody had been left speechless. No one dared to make any noise as they were left stunned by the heavenly deity before them.
Crowley was the first to break the silence.
"In the 100 years of my teaching, I have never experienced an Ebony Carriage bring a student like yourself my lady".
Angelique stared at him for a minute but in the meantime it seems that they had forgotten the existence of a certain trouble making creature.
"Myah! Then I will take their place in the academy. I'm a boy after all".
Grim had escaped from Crowley's lash and was ready to break hell. As he opened his mouth the short red head student shouted.
"Everyone take cover!".
Grim opened his mouth and started spitting fire everywhere.
Many students where running trying to find somewhere to hide while others avoided the flames to their best abilities.
"Ow! My butt! Help it's on fire!", the boy with the white hair shouted.
Ange took notice of that and ran to his rescue. She performed a decent water spell to extinguish the fire from his butt.
The boy smiled as bright as the sun and turned to thank her.
"Thank you so much miss! I owe you one, pls come to Scarabia one day there will be a parade waiting for you."
She stared at him a little taken aback but she managed to answer him.
"You're welcome. I will consider your offer. In the meantime, stay safe and away from the flames".
She waved back at the boy and focused all her attention to Grim.
"Somebody, do something or else this raccoon will burn the school!", Crowley shouted helpless but no one gave him the attention he wanted.
Ange turned to the lion man and the beautiful guy as they started to speak.
"When will all this over, I wanna take a nap. Can't you do it yourself teach".
The beautiful man had a grimace on his face that showed how done he was with the likes of his, "Don't you like hunting? Why not do it yourself Leona".
Chaos continued inside the mirror chamber, the man with glasses stepped up and spoke.
"Don't worry Mr. Crowley, I will handle it"
"As expected from Azul. He never misses a chance to gain some points for himself"
Ange had enough of this, she started getting irritated from all the ruckus. After all she was teleported here after an exhausting day and she couldn't care less, the only thing she wanted was rest. So, she took it upon herself to deal with Grim.
"ENOUGH! If no one's going to do something, then I will".
Ange's hands emitted a white light, soon two magic circles appeared on both sides of Grim's position and trapped him to his place.
"Fgyah! What are these chains. Get them off!"
Everyone stopped moving as they were mesmerized by the beauty of the crystal chains. Azul was the first to speak.
"Riddle, if you could do the honors."
The said boy, snapped out his thoughts as he cleared his throat.
"Uhm, right. Off with your head!".
As these words left Riddle's mouth, a heart shaped collar appeared on Grim's neck.
"Fgyha! What the hell is this!"
"Laws of the Queen of hearts N.23: One shall never bring a cat to a festival or ceremony. And you being a cat means that you have broken the rule. In which case means that we shall have you leave immediately"
"I'm not a cat! I'm The Great Grim. The best magician in the whole world. I will have this collar burnt along with the chains"
Grim tried to spit fire from his mouth to burn my chains and Riddle's collar but failed miserably.
"What the hell! Why won't my fires come out?"
Riddle stepped out and spoke.
"As long as you wear that collar, you won't be able to use any magic at all"
"Splendid as always Riddle-kun. I want it.... not on me of course"
Ange cringed so badly from Azul's statement as Crowley approached her.
"Not to come off as rude my lady but pls take better care of your familiar"
She turned to him with a dead paned face.
"Allow me to correct you Mr. Crowley, but he is not my familiar and I had already informed you about that  on the way here".
"You did!?"
She raised her eyebrow at him, as he started sweating from nervousness, "Ah! Yes you did. Pls forgive me it was my mistake your highness"
He turned his attention to Grim.
"Well then. You raccoon will be escorted out of the campus as I will not let you be made into stew for I'm gracious. You there pls throw that creature out."
Two students from the back took Grim and started leaving the mirror chamber.
Ange looked at Grim's retrieving form as she started feeling bad for him.
"Well! Now that the problem is out of the way. Dark Mirror, you never said to which dorm Lady Angelique belongs to. Pls tells us."
The Dark Mirror stood in silence as everyone was anticipating for his answer.
Student A "Pls, let it be Heartsbyul"
Sudent B "A lady as beautiful as her belongs to Pomefiore"
Student C "With magic as powerful as hers she should be in Diasomnia"
The Dark Mirror finally opened his mouth and his answer shocked many, "The Lady shall be placed in...."


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