Chapter 2 - The New Girl In Town

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Oh hey again! I'm back! (I know, I'm such a pest for returning to my own diary.)

I'm in the taxi right now, on my way to the airport. Eeep! So excited!! I think I'm just gonna spend the flight relaxing so I won't give you any of the updates during then, sorry!

Catch ya later, bye!


Wow, isn't England pretty? Nothing like Australia, that's for sure.

I'm in a taxi...again. But this time on my way to the campus, not an airport.


So I've arrived on campus and the admin office gave me my key to dorm room 47 on floor 3. I don't have to share my room with anyone cause Jessica Leong (my roommate) got a different dorm on a different floor. I guess that makes me even more of a loner now that I really don't know anyone here in England. At least orientation day is on Thursday (its Saturday right now).

I changed around my room a bit so both single beds are next to each other then wrapped a double sheet over both of them, then I arranged the two wardrobes so that they're on both sides of the door, and each desk on opposing walls, so my room is symmetrical basically.

I made my bed with my white sheets and quilt cover, then tossed a microfibre blanket across the end in a home decor magazine kind of way. I started to unpack a box labelled "desk/book case" when I heard a gentle knock on the door. I spun around on my heel, almost slipping over on the wooden flooring, then skipped over to the door. Opening the door revealed a girl a bit taller than me who had long, dark brown hair, fair skin and a few freckles across her nose, as she wasn't wearing much make up (but she still looked pretty)!

"Hi!" Chirped the girl, excitedly.

"I'm Anna! My dorm's that one there" she said, pointing her finger to the diagonally opposite door.

"Hey Anna, I'm Lulu. Nice to meet you!" I said, welcoming her in to my room.

"Wow you're room's different to mine" She said, as she wondered into my dorm. I chuckled.

"Yeah, my roommate changed room" I responded.

"Lucky" she said, before plonking herself down on my double bed.

We continued to chat for a bit before Anna had to leave to unpack, as did I.

I finished unpacking all of my boxes, but my room was still super bland and boring. So after a few minutes checking out the directions to the closet store, I decided to head off to Primark.

The New Girl In Town (A Joe Sugg Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now