Encounter 1

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" God damnit!" Daryl yelled right as Maggie came through the gate .
" glad to see you too Daryl !" She said as she got out the car .
" stupid dog keeps running out every time he sees the gate open" he sighed and went after him
" don't be too late !" Maggie yelled after him " there's a storm coming!"
" I won't be long !" He yelled back as he followed the dog through the forest.
" Dog !" He  called after him yet he didn't even acknowledge his owner . What's gotten into him lately ?he thought. For the past 2 months he'd been disobeying him and running away every time he saw the gate open more than a second . Usually he'd let him out , of course knowing that he'd come back a few hours later but this week he'd left and come back 2 days later . He sure damn wasn't going to let him run again when a storm was on its way .
It'd been an hour since he was tracking the animal through the woods and he finally caught up to him . At this point it was already pouring rain.
" Dog!" He whistled as a sign to come to him . The dog looked at him with no intention to go home . Daryl sighed as he watched him go under a metal fence and in through the makeshift dog door of a small wodden shack that looked connected to a cabin .
He sighed, got his knife out and hopped the fence .
He looked around the yard for a bit , then he tried the shack dor , locked . He remembered seeing a back dor and went for it . He entered the  kitchen  , looked around and saw a few cans of soup . He grabbed one knowing he'll have time to get the rest after I find dog . To his left a wooden dor with a makeshift dog dor , that definitely took him to the shack , he entered, only to see Dog sat wagging his tail like he hadn't seen his owner for months at a time .He grunted with annoyance
Well what do we have here he thought to himself as he looked around. The room was full of utensils , weapons, blankets , shelf's full of cigarette cartridges and huge crates that had written on them property of  Virginia veterinary centers. Maybe this wasn't a bad day after all he thought ti himself as he grabbed a pack of cigarettes . he opened it and lit himself a smoke and put them in his pocket as he walked around looking at the crates until he saw in a corner a crate full of blankets with a black woolf  and a cub cozied up , dog quickly got in the makeshift bed. He chuckled at the sight and kneeled to get a better look at the pup .
" drop the knife and soup " he heard as he suddenly felt something touching the back of his head . He did as he was told .
" look idon mean no har-" he tried to reassure
" how'd you find this place?" The woman asked as she nudged with the end of the shotgun.
" I just followed my dog" said Daryl
" huh..." she chuckled " the little wolf-fucker is yours , huh?"
" look I'll just get him and be on my way"
" yeah... can't let that happen" there was a slight pause, thunder could be heard from outside
" look, I sw-"he tried to reason, knowing that Maggie  and the rest would get worried if he wouldn't make it back soon enough
"I need some answers and THEN" she almost yelled and exhaled  to calm herself "... you can go" she said in a calm controlled tone
" yes 'mam " he felt the gun being pulled away . He slowly got up and turned to face the voice he had been reasoning with .
He looked at the petite woman eyeing him up and down carefully , she lowered her weapon and took a long puff  from her cigarette. She looked drenched like she'd been outside , yet her cigarette was dry as sand , her long , wet and black hair coverd most of her face , not letting him get a good look .
" name ?"
" Daryl" he said finally putting his hands down and taking the cigarette of of the corner of if his mouth "sorry about your soup " he said looking down at the banged up can that had spilled everywhere sighed at the sight
" it's fine ... the dogs will eat it" he took a long drag "dinner !"her yell echoed through the whole cabin. Two or three seconds later a fox walked in and joined the meal , he looked in disbelief " aren't you sorry for stealing my cigarettes ?" How it the fuc-
" oh yae-" he started looking through his pockets
" keep them" she rolled her eyes at him " come" she walked in the kitchen " sit" she motioned to the table  as she leaned against the counter.
"where you from ?"She asked with her hands crossed
" originally" he sat down " northern Georgia"
" i didn't ask tha-"
" now " he interrupted her , she didn't appreciate that " from " he hesitated for a second "commonwealth "
" your dog's come from quaite far ..."
" yeah ... he's quite the runner "
" you got people?" she asked shorty and sharply
" nah , alone with my dog , most times,  if he ain't runnin to your... wol-" he was interrupted by the fox entering the room " what's your deal ? You a veterinarian or what ?"
" you got dog food?"
" no?"  She got up and went back in the shack
" come" he followed only find her looking through crates
" look , I don't nee-"
" here " she threw him two cans of dog food and a leash " go the same way you came" she said in a dead serious tone . He just listened, the sooner he left the better.  She woman watched as he struggled a bit to separate the two dogs . 
Finally he thanked for the cans of dog food and left through the back dor . Only a few steps through the pouring rain and he thought he heard something, he turned to look at the woman standing in the doorway
" Name's Ali , don't come back and don't tell your people about me !" She said before shutting the dor behind her .

Hii ! Hope you liked this , vote if you'd like the next chapter ! I know it's short but the next one will be longer , promise

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