2 - Burning Ice

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"Leo!" calls Raph. He forces himself to his feet and closes the distance to Leo. "L-Leo, are you...?"

Donnie props Leo's shoulders over his knees to tilt him upright. Leo's face scrunches in what was intended to be a smile, "Hey. Glad to have you back."

Raph keeps trying to reach for Leo, to do something about the wounds his hands caused, but his blood freezes. "Leo, I... I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop... I knew what was happenin' but I just couldn't-..."

"Raph. It's fine." Leo drags his hand up to Raph's arm, "You're back. You did it."

Donnie flicks up his goggles, "We need to get you back home. You are definitely bleeding internally."

"That's where blood's supposed to be, isn't it?"

"... I would punch you would I not further injure you," Donnie says.


Meanwhile, Mikey lowers his hand from his mouth. The coughing fit had left blood on his palm. He wipes it on his leg. I'm fine, he thinks, Leo needs more help than me. I can hold out until we get back home.

He forces his trembling legs to support him and joins the others kneeling next to Leo. His mouth opens, but for once the little turtle has nothing to say.

"You did good, little brother. Very dramatic," Leo says with a small grin. Mikey smiles back even though it hurts his face.

"Come in, Sensei, do you read me?" Casey's voice stutters over the comms.

Leo answers, "We're here, Casey. Listen close." He glances up at his brothers as he continues. "The plan hasn't changed. Donnie will get the ship through that portal and you'll close it. Capiche?"

"Got it, but... Sensei, I've got some concerns. When you were moving the ship before, it was making its own gravity. I don't think it will stay on the other side of the portal long enough for you guys to get back."

"Good thing we got our own portals, then," says Leo, lifting a hand to his swords. "If that's the case, I'll portal us back once we know this ship will stay put."

Raph interjects, "Leo, you're not–."

"You got that, Case?"

"Yes, Sensei."

"Good." Leo hangs up. "Donnie, can you take control of the ship again?"

The softshell rubs his arms but nods, "Yes, I can."

"Do it. Get this ship out of our city." Donnie hesitantly hops down to the control panel. Leo then looks to the other two. "Raph, you and Mikey don't need to stay."

Raph scowls. "You are outta your shell if you think we're leavin' you."

"Yeah," says Mikey, "Besides, you're hurt bad."

"'M fine." Leo sits up, wheezing through his teeth and grasping at the wound in his plastron.

Mikey reaches out to lay him back down, "No, you need to stay down."

"I need to toss a sword out that window," Leo grumbles, "Or else I'm not gonna be able to portal us back."

Raph picks up one of Leo's swords, "You need to focus on stayin' awake long enough to do that." The eldest turtle approaches the large window, smashes a hole through it, then lets the sword fall into the streets below. "Okay, we got one side of the door."

"Good," says Leo with a sigh. He closes his eyes and lays against Mikey, who had taken Donnie's place under his head.

Leo chuckles. "You're awfully toasty, little bro. Leftover from the alien flambe?"

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