13 - Luck Of The Draw

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Leo wishes his ancestors had better bedside manners. He'd fled to his Gram-Gram after being lectured by the Masters about hiding all emotion and focusing on his "present duty," whatever that is.

Karai welcomes him inside her home. The ancient Japanese architecture is cozy and pretty. Karai ushers him to the main room and sits him on a low couch with a lot of cushions.

Karai offers him tea. "The Masters are simply offering what they know."

"They don't seem to know very much," Leo gripes, accepting the tea and sipping it.

"Be patient with them," Karai says. She sits beside Leo and drapes a blanket over his shoulders. "They are from a time long gone. You and they are separated by generations. There are simply things you won't understand about each other."

Leo hums and downs the rest of the tea. It doesn't help the tightness in his throat.

The ever-perceptive Karai turns toward him. "What troubles you, Leonardo?"

A lump forms in Leo's throat. He sets down the teacup and hugs his arms. "I... I just... I know that..."

"Take your time," Karai soothes.

Leo sighs, his head hanging as he partially pulls into his shell. "I think I'm homesick."

Karai smiles gently. "That is understandable. And also quite normal. I believe I understand how you feel, my son," she says as she takes Leo's hands.

Leo suddenly finds he can't keep eye contact. "I know I shouldn't be clinging to them but I can't just abandon them."

"I know what you mean, Leonardo, I truly do." Karai folds her hands over Leo's. "You feel as if your time has been stolen and part of you wishes to take it back. It is hard to accept that there is no thwarting the laws of Life and Death." She gingerly lifts Leo's chin and he is able to hold her gaze. "You must learn to let them go."

Leo's gaze hardens. "You too?"

Karai lets go of his face. "I'm sorry?"

"The Masters said the same thing. You're just repeating them!" Leo shrugs the blanket off and stands, feeling sparks under his fingers as he rubs his arms.

"It is the truth, my son," Karai says, also standing.

"No!" Leo smells ozone. "You can't tell me to abandon my brothers!"

Karai lifts her palms. "That's not what I— Leonardo, wait!"

Leo makes for the door and throws it open, then warps to the dojo. Thankfully it's empty and there's no one to witness him blowing a stack of boards to splinters with his lightning.


Leo spins on his heel and instinctively throws a small bolt. A purple figure flinches. "Woah! Sparky! It's me!"

Leo squints at the figure, a glowy violet and familiar shape. "Donnie?!"

The ghost grins. "Genius, isn't it? Yes, I figured out that spells are no more than fancy code that can program the very fabric of reality! A bit of reverse engineering and reformatting, et voilà! Astral projection, baby!"

Leo grabs his brother's shoulders. "No! I mean, yes, it's amazing, you're a genius, all that. But I mean it's dangerous for you to be here! Mikey's been wandering around here and I have to put him back right away or else he'd get stuck!"

"Mikey?" Donnie's eyes widen. "Is he okay?"

Leo rubs at the back of his neck. "Y-yeah, he's... fine. I mean... his ninpo has been flaring up and catching him on fire—"

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