The party.

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"Hey cutie."

I turn to face the blonde headed boy with an empty glass. I smile at him and return to my drink. He sits next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You look nice tonight. Wearing that skimpy dress is really working."

I scoff and don't answer him. He gives an annoyed look and stands back up.

"Be that way then. You aren't pretty enough anyways."

He walks off and I watch as he heads to another girl. She seems to be fully attentive to him. Natasha is still working on other guests as I scope the room.

Tony is with Pepper. Sam and Steve are with a few other guys. Wanda and Vision are sitting on a couch giggling. Then I see him. Bucky.

He is in a chair by the fireplace surrounded by a group of what looks to be sorority girls. Of course Tony invited them. Bucky looks agitated and is not responding to any of the girls. They just brush it off though and continue to flirt.

Something about the girls brings a fury in me. Maybe Natasha was right. Maybe I do like him. I realize that I've been staring way too long at him. As I start to look away, I notice him turning to look at me. I stop looking away and we make eye contact. I break it first which hurts me.

Natasha returns to me and hands my another glass.

"Go talk to him. Show those girls who he's really interested in."

I give her a faint smile then look back over my shoulder at him. Still surrounded by girls, but they have approached him and they are now inches from his legs. Now that makes me mad.

I turn towards Nat who is giving me her famous look. The look of "you better do it before I do something about it". I sigh and chug my drink. I stand back up and when I turn, the blonde boy is back with a half full cup.

"You know I can look past your attitude. You're hot and I would totally bang you."

I roll my eyes and try to walk past him. He puts his hand in front of me and grabs my stomach/hip.

"Come on princess. I'm so much fun."

"Get off of me."

I try to wiggle from his grasp, but it's no use. He turns me around and has his hand against my hip. He leads me to the door that leads to the hallway. As soon as he opens the door to go out, a man pushes him. His grip on me loosens and I wiggle out of it.

"Woah man. Me and my home girl are gonna go screw. Leave us be," blonde boy drunkinly says.

"Touch her again and I'll break your hand."

I know that deep voice. The serious tone. The intense staring and focus. That could only be one person standing in front of me, protecting me. Bucky.

I move in between them and put my hands out to separate them.

"Guys calm down," I turn to blonde boy, "scram kid. I was never gonna sleep with you."

He frowns and sighs as he walks to another girl. I turn again to Bucky who is definitely angry. His eyebrows are furrowed and his face is creased.

"I can't believe some guy would do that. What a jerk."

I smile at Bucky which seems to ease him up.

"Yeah, but most guys are like that," I say, "but it's not like I was actually going to do anything involving him. Thanks for saving me."

He nods and looks me up and down. He shows a slight blush and scratches the back of his neck.

"You look good. You clean up nice."

I smile, "Thanks Bucky. You do too."

That's when I notice him fully. His suit is tight in all the right places. His arms are muscular and his chest has that certain look to it. It makes it look like just the kind of chest that would be comfortable, but would also throw itself in the way of any danger.

He notices my eyes lingering and shifts. I look back at him and we make eye contact. Seconds go by before we both look away.

"Well I'll probably just head back to my room. I thought this party would be better."

He nods and says, "I will too. If you want I'll walk you to your room so you don't have to go alone. And I don't want some guy trying to force you do something."

I smile. A big smile. A smile that makes a person think I like them. Which in this case I do like him. So I guess it's fitting.

"Thanks Bucky. I appreciate it."

He smiles and we walk down the hall. We barely talk and when we do it's about the drinks at the party. I tell him I had a Shirley Temple and he informs me about his beer. I obviously knew he drank that because I was watching him a lot. Creepy I know.

We stop in front of my door. I face him and he faces me.

"Thanks for walking with me. And I'm sorry for overreacting this morning about how we "act" around each other. It's not your fault."

"No it is. Normally when I talk it happens to be mean and I don't even mean it to."

We both give a smile and a chuckle.

I say, "So are we good? I mean we were always good, but are we like good good."

He nods and stares at me differently. He has something in his eyes that I can't tell what it is. But it was not how he looked at me five seconds ago.

He looks past me down the hall, "Well I should get to my room. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay goodnight."

He pauses, just for a moment. Then he walks past me. That's when it hits me. That thing in his eyes. Passion. Relationship. Likingness. Lust.

I turn to him. And before he can even get halfway down the hall, I yell at him.


He stops and turns. I stumble on my words. Embarrassed I look at my fingers and mess with my hands.

"Bucky I-"

He's in front of me. Closer than ever. And he's staring down at me and I'm staring up at him. He's so tall compared to me.

"Y/n," he says quietly.

He moves his face to my ear and whispers gently, "Tell me what you want."

I shiver and know exactly what I want. The tension between us has been unbearable. All this time I thought he hated me. I thought he wanted nothing to do with me, but I realize now that maybe it's because of how he liked me. How he actually wanted me.

He leans his face back. After a few more seconds of staring deeply into his eyes, I don't whisper.

"I want you."

The Avengers Life (a romance with Bucky)Where stories live. Discover now