❀With Rae Again❀

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𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚟:

When Enderian was dragging Rae out of the door, I tried to do something to help him against her. However, I couldn't move. Not because I didn't want to move, because trust me I did, but because there was a force of some kind preventing me from making a singular movement. I couldn't even speak.

When they had left the room and the door had shut behind them, I could finally move again.

I ran over to the door, but when I tried to open it, it was locked.

I began to bang on the door, not knowing if it would even do anything. However, it was the only thing I could think to do.

I really didn't like being stuck here. Especially since Enderian had taken Rae and was doing god knows what to him. This thought only made me bang on the door even more and at a quicker pace.

I didn't know how long I was doing this, but soon I heard the door get unlocked and stopped. I backed away, in fear of whoever was on the other side.

When the door opened, in walked Enderian.

"Where have you taken Rae? What have you done to him?" I shouted at her.

"Oh please your little boyfriend is fine geez" she said in an annoyed tone.

"Where is he?" I demanded.

"I would shut up if I were you. I mean if you want to see your boyfriend then shut up. Got it?"


"Good, now, you will follow me and not try to run off."

I nodded and Enderian started to leave the room with me following behind.

After a few seconds, I stopped walking, hoping that Enderian wouldn't notice. However, to no avail, she did. She grabbed me by the arm and started to shove me forwards, forcing me to walk.

We walked for a couple minutes until we got to a dark oak door decorated in blue orchids.

I guessed that the door was locked as she reached past me and placed a key in the key hole. She turned the key and pushed me into the room. When she did so, I almost fell to the floor as I tripped on something, but I was able to keep my balance.

I looked around the floor to see what I tripped on and saw a pair of legs.

Before I had a chance to see who the legs belonged to, I was pushed into a chair and then handcuffed to it. Enderian then left without a word and locked the door behind her.

I took this as an opportunity to start looking around the room, obviously from the chair I was cuffed to.

"Ghosty, are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice ask from beside me. I knew who it was instantly.

It was Rae.

I looked to my left and saw him also handcuffed to a chair. However, unlike me, he had two pairs of handcuffs on.

"Rae, are you okay? Did she hurt you at all?" I quickly questioned.

"I'm fine Ghosty" he sighed, leaning his head into my shoulder.

"How's your arm? It looked as though she was gripping it quite hard" I continued to question.

"It's fine, just might bruise a little, but it's no big deal" Rae sighed.

"Do you know why you have any idea why you have two sets of handcuffs on, love?" I asked, looking down at the floor and resting my head against Rae's.

"No idea," he sighed.

"Wait, Rae has two sets of handcuffs on?" A female voice chimed in. I looked into the direction of where the voice came from and saw Orchid, also handcuffed to a chair.

"Mhm" Rae hummed.

After that, no more words were shared amongst us. We just sat in comfortable silence. Soon, we all fell asleep and I was hoping that this was all just some fucked up nightmare.

𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚟:

It had been a while since I last checked on my partner, son and his boyfriend.

Did I care?

No, no I didn't.

Even though I didn't care, I went to check on them, make sure they haven't done anything stupid.

I unlocked the door to the room they were in and opened it. I then walked in and saw all of them asleep. Honestly, I wasn't really surprised, after all what else can they do when handcuffed to a chair. Especially Rae.

Speaking of Rae, when I had inspected his facial features earlier, something stood out to me. I decided to take him being asleep as an opportunity to get a better look.

I carefully uncuffed him from the chair he was in and lifted him up. However, when doing so, I made sure that I didn't wake up his boyfriend. What did he even see in him anyway? I then left the room, once again locking the door and carrying Rae elsewhere.

I soon reached another room and entered it, locking the door behind me just in case Rae woke up.

Inside the room, there was a bed in the centre, direct centre. There were no windows in the room, meaning a lot of light was needed to see. There was no other furniture in the room besides the bed.

I walked over to the bed and placed my son on it. I then began inspecting his face once more, noting every detail of it, especially the features which intrigued me most.

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