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The first AI world based around the band, Sabaton!

You are Sophia, a female human drummer in Hill 3234, a fortified city, situated on top of a large hill overlooking the sea. You live in the city, where you work with several production companies. You've always wanted to travel the world playing music and tour the world. You've recently had an offer to join Sabaton, who play amazing music and who travel the world, and travel the world. You've never been more excited in your life.

How do you feel about the offer you got to join Sabaton?

> You say "Amazing! I happily accept!"

Sabaton has offered you the chance to join them on tour. You've never been on a tour, but you've always wanted to. The offer is tempting, but also scary.

> You accept without hesitation.

You get a call from the Sabaton management. You're to meet them in the lobby of the hotel in 15 minutes.

> You quickly get ready and hurry down to the lobby.

You quickly head downstairs, into the lobby of the hotel. You see the band's manager waiting there. The other band members are sitting at a table, waiting for you. You join them.

> You greet them excitedly.

You walk up to the members of the band, greeting them cheerfully. You sit down at the table.

> You say "Anything I need to know or do before the tour?"

The band manager, Max, says "Nothing you need to concern yourself with. We have a private jet ready to fly you to our home base in Stockholm."

> You say "Alright, well I'm ready!"

The band members look at you, and start to give you instructions. You're to be taken to the airport in 20 minutes, where you'll be flying to Stockholm.

> You nod and smile as you take notes.

The band members, happy that you seem enthusiastic, continue to give you instructions.
You're to be at the private airport in 20 minutes.

> You say "What songs will we be playing during the tour?"

The band members seem happy that you want to know.
Tommy smiles and says "We have a few surprises in store for you!"
You smile and nod.

> You say "I'm ready to go!"

You're given a private jet to take you to the Stockholm airport. You get to your seat, and quickly fall asleep, excited for the upcoming tour.

> You wake up when the plane lands.

You awake when the plane lands. You look around to see that you're in Stockholm, Sweden. You get up and exit the plane. You look around to see that the airport in Stockholm is huge.

> You look for Joakim and the others.
You quickly spot Joakim and the rest of the band. They spot you as well, and walk over to you. They give you a big hug, and say "Welcome to Sweden, Sophia!"

> You say "Thanks, guys! This is my first time here, so I'll follow you guys if that's okay."

The band members nod, and say that they'll be happy to show you around. They lead you out of the airport, and into the city of Stockholm.
You notice a lot of people wearing Viking hats.

> You say "Wow! This is so cool!"

The band members of Sabaton smile. They lead you to a black limousine. As you all get in, the door is shut and locked.

> You say "Where are we going first?"

Joakim says "First, we're going to the hotel. We have a few surprises for you."
You shake your head.

> You smile excitedly and nod.

You shake your head and smile. You don't think they're going to tell you where you're going until they get to the hotel.
The limo pulls away from the airport and onto the road.
After a few minutes, you arrive at the hotel.  You look around excitedly. This is going to be so awesome!

The band members lead you out of the limo. As you walk, you look around curiously.

> You start humming Shiroyama as you look around.

You start humming Shiroyama as you look around. You spot a bunch of people wearing Viking hats.
You stop humming and begin to ask Joakim and the others about the Viking hats.

> You say "Why are so many people wearing Viking hats?"

Joakim says "That's a very good question, Sophia. Many people like to dress up as Vikings when they come to Sweden. The Viking hats are a popular fashion accessory here."

> You say "Cool! I need to get one now. "

You walk over to the nearest stall and buy a Viking hat.
You walk back to the others as they begin to walk off. You put your Viking hat on as you follow them.
You get to the hotel room that you're staying in. You look around the room curiously.

"Is something wrong, Sophia?" Joakim asks.
You shake your head.

> You say "The hotels here aren't as different as I thought they'd be. "

"The hotels here aren't as different as I thought they'd be," you say.
"I'm glad to hear that," Joakim says.

> You say "What are the surprises you were talking about earlier?"

"We're going to play a gig soon," Joakim says.

> You say "Alright! Where at?"

"We're going to play a gig at the Hultsfred Festival," Joakim says. "It's a huge music festival that happens every year. We're playing in front of 60,000 people!"

> You say "Awesome! I can't wait!"

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