Prologue: The Destruction of A Kingdom

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Today was a very exciting day for the kingdom of Dundrasil, for Princess Lumina has been born. But that was only half of the reason as to why the people of Dundrasil were so happy, for there was a prophecy that one day a reincarnation of the Luminary of Legend, Erdwin, would be born to finish what he started, and Princess Lumina is that reincarnation. Through the stone streets of the merry kingdom, a small black figure with long arms and and red centre walked towards the castle. No one seemed to notice the small creature, almost like as though it didn't exist. Inside one of the bedchambers of the castle, the queen who had dirty blonde shoulder length hair and a cream colored dress with a blue cape held the newborn princess in her hands. The queen stood up, still holding Lumina in her arms and walked to a location that the figure couldn't see.

 "This child, she is the one?" A stern look made it's way onto the face of King Carnelian, ruler of Heliodor.

 "She bears the Mark, there's no mistaking that." Lord Robert, former King of Dundrasil, says, also somewhat serious.

As the night goes on, it gets worse. For the kingdom is being attacked by monsters. Queen Eleanor runs from the castle with Lumina in her arms and takes princess Jade with her. Eventually, the monsters catch up. Queen Eleanor then hides in a busy with both of the princesses, handing Lumina to Jade, she runs away. After the monsters start chasing Jade then comes out of her hiding spot, still holding Lumina. Jade is then found by the monsters, and a bloodcurdling scream is what came out of her mouth.

A cry from a small baby is what alerts an old man by the name of Chalky, who drops his fishing gear and runs to the source of the sound.

 "Oh my!" He cries out as he wades through the water trying to get to the basket that the baby is in. "What in the world are you doing here? And after that awful storm too? However did you survive? " the baby starts to giggle and reveals turquoise eyes to Chalky as he bends down to pick her up. "Aren't you a jolly one?" He chuckles slightly as something catches his eye. "What's this?" He turns his attention to an envelope with the seal of Dundrasil on it. "Oh you poor thing." He then holds up the little baby who continues to giggle and reaches for his moustache. "Come here, come here. There's no need to be frightened anymore. You're safe now little one. " 

Author's notes: Hello everyone! If the grammar in this isn't quite right then let me know because this is my first fanfic and I'd rather know what I did right and wrong so that I can make improvements. Oh and also, I only own the rights to an OC that I added simply because I think it would be interesting, but any other character, I don't own the rights to them.

Love, Nonoyo.

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