Have You Been Drinking?

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    Hey guys!! Please make sure you vote for your favorite parts so I know what you guys enjoy the most!!

I wanna make what YOU enjoy, no matter if it's smut, romantic, scary, etc. so please let me know by voting and commenting❤️

TW ⚠️ Slight drinking

2:30 am

    As Y/N was asleep in her nice comfy bed, she was startled awake by the sound of something heavy shimming the roof of the garage right outside her window and followed by a knock on her window. Frightened by the sound coming from the outside of her window, she quickly flung off her covers and grabbed the bat that was sitting next to her bed. Creeping closer to her window, she started to her window she began to make out a shadow of a person. She got her bat ready and brushed open her curtain, revealing a tall brunette boy with honey-brown eyes, who was sitting on the roof of the garage that was right under Y/N's window. Y/N flung open her window and put the bat down.

    "Harrington? What are you doing here? It's 2:30 in the morning.," Y/N asked, looking down at the boy sitting outside her window.

    "Will you go for a ride with me?" Steve sniffled, wiping his nose while tears fell out of his eyes and onto his bright red cheeks and down to his chin, slowly dropping off his chin and onto his shirt.

    "Oh my god! Steve, what happened? Come in, I'll get dressed and we can go," Y/N asked, concerned for Steve. She ran over to her dresser and got a hoodie and a pair of leggings as Steve stumbled threw the window.

    "Nancy happened... She told me that I was- that I was bullshit and that our relationship was- was bullshit. Y/N, am I bullshit?" Steve sobbed, finishing the beer in his hand that Y/N didn't notice.

    "No, of course not! She should be so lucky to have you. I wish you would have let me fight her last year when she let Johnathan beat you up. She doesn't deserve you, Steve. You have come so far these last 2 years, I've never been more proud of you. If anything is bullshit, it's her," Y/N remarked, slightly clenching her fists in anger before throwing her hoodie over her head with her back turned towards Steve.

    "Thanks, Y/N, at least I have someone that actually likes me for me. Are you ready?" Steve asked, wiping away yet another tear and setting the bottle down on Y/N's desk

    "Yeah, I'm ready. Where are we going?" Y/N questioned, tying her shoe and running to the window seal.

    "Just for a drive, we will see where it takes us," Steve replied before hopping out the window and reaching his hand out the help Y/N out.

    "It's always an adventure with you, Harrington," Y/N laughed, grabbing Steve's hand and maneuvering her way out the window, and following Steve down the side of the garage.

    "Jump, ill catch you," Steve whispered, with his arms out, trying not to wake Y/N's parents.

    "You better not drop me, Harrington!" Y/N exclaimed, in a little bit louder whisper.

    " I won't, come up!" Steve uttered, reaching up to catch Y/N as she fell into his arms. "See I told you I would catch you."

    Y/N gave Steve a small smile, which turned both hers and Steve's faces red. Y/N quickly looked down at the ground and slightly shook her head before heading over to the passenger side of the car. Steve followed behind, slightly biting his lip out of embarrassment from what had just occurred.

    He had unlocked the car allowing Y/N to open the car door to reveal empty beer bottles laying on the passenger side floor. Hey... um, Steve. Have you- have you been drinking?"

    "Only a little," Steve mumbled, looking around at all the empty bottles. "it wasn't a lot though I promise. I can explain all these."

    "No, I don't care how much you had or if you can explain them or not. Steve, you were trying to drive after drinking," Y/N yelled, leaning into the car and pulling the keys out of the ignition, and placing them into her pocket. "We are not going anywhere tonight. But what we are going to do is go back up to my room and you're going to lay down and we are going to sleep. We will take a ride tomorrow."

    "Can I at least have my keys back?" Steve asked, watching Y/N walk over to the garage and follow behind.

    "NO! Now help me up," Y/N demanded, lifting up one leg and putting it on top of the trash can at the front of the garage. Steve quickly helped push her up by the other leg and followed behind her and into the bedroom window. "Lay down, ill grab you those shorts you left here last summer."

    By the time Y/N had grabbed the shorts from her bottom drawer and turned back around, Steve already had his shirt off and his pants down to his knees. "Woah, Harrington. This isn't your room. Here are your shorts, please change quick," Y/N motioned, throwing his shorts to him, covering her eyes, and turning around.

    "Alright, you can turn around," Steve muttered, with his face already in Y/N's pillow. "Will you sleep with me tonight? I don't wanna be alone"

    "If you want me to, I guess I can," Y/N replied, slightly confused but shocked that he asked.

    "Steve began to scoot over slightly making room on the bed and looking around the room for another blanket. "Y/N, do you only have one blanket in here?"

    "Yeah, sorry..." Y/N replied, rubbing the back of her neck.

    "It's okay, we can share, I don't mind," Steve reassured her and threw half of the blanket over the top of her body as she got into bed, and scooting slightly closer to her so that they were face to face. "Y/N... Can I tell you something?"

    "Yeah, what's on your mind?" Y/N questioned, propping her head up on her pillow.

    "I-I just," Steve stuttered. "I'm not actually drunk, they actual Nancys. she was drinking before the party and I couldn't stop her. I tried so hard to stop her. Actually, the only beer I had was this one," Steve leaned over and grabbed the bottle that was sitting on the desk next to Y/N's bed he had left there. "I just wanted to spend some time with you."

    "I honestly started to figure that out after we got back in here. I saw the bottle on the desk, and you didn't act drunk coming in here. you acted like you normally do around me. But, why did you wanna spend time with me? at least right now?" Y/N asked, confused by the brunette laying in front of her.

    "Well, that's the thing... I know Nancy and I had just broken up, but it got me thinking that this may be the best time to tell the person that's been on my mind since day one that I'm in love with them. The person that cares about me more than anyone ever could. The girl who wasn't afraid to hit me in the back of the head to get me to straighten my shit out when I would get out of line. the one that I've been in love with since the 5th grade," Steve explained, Grabbing ahold of Y/N's hand and rubbing the top of it with his thumb. "So Y/N... I'm in love with you. You have meant everything to me for the last 6 years, I've just never known how to tell you. I'm Sor-"

    Steve was cut off by Y/N crashing her lips into his, causing a smile from both of them before pulling away from one another. "What was that for?" Steve asked.

    "I have to shut you up somehow to be able to tell you that I love you too." Y/N laughed.

    "You do?" Steve smiled, pulling Y/N towards him by her waist. "I've been waiting for this for years."

    "You and me both Harrington."


I hope you guys liked this one!!! Make sure you vote if you do❤️❤️

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