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"Babe! babe! Wake up," I heard the voice standing in front of my tired, asleep body. Causing me to open my eyes to reveal a crouched-down brunette sitting in front of me, staring at me with his big honey-brown eyes and a smile plastered across his face.

    "Hmmm... what?" I hummed, closing my eyes once again and rolling over onto my stomach with my head still turned toward him.

    The brunette slowly laid his hand on my back, rubbing his hand up and down, moving the back of my shirt up more with every move. "I made breakfast."

    I slowly opened my eyes once again with a small smile coming across my face, "breakfast?"

    "Umm, it's downstairs waiting for you. But If you don't get up it's going to get cold," Steve muttered, still slowly rubbing my back and working his way up to my cheek, slowly rubbing it with the pad of his thumb.

    "Alright! I'm up. Take me to the breakfast," I replied, sitting up and holding my arms out for him to help me up.

    "Okay, come on you," Steve groaned while lifting me off of the bed and placing me on his side as I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

    "You didn't have to carry me, I can walk on my own." I nagged, laying my head on his shoulder.

    "I know, but I didn't want you to use all your energy, It's still early in the morning. You're going to need your energy for tonight baby," Steve chuckled, as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

    "Ugh, you're to sweet today... what did you do?"

    Steve cocked his head toward me in slight confusion. "What do you mean? Did I have to of did something or want something to make my beautiful girlfriend a nice breakfast?" He questioned, sitting me down on the countertop and walking over to the fridge, grabbing the carton of orange juice, and placing it next to me.

    "I guess not..."

    "Exactly, here's your breakfast," Steve agreed, handing me a place of food and kissing my cheek. "I just wanted to show my baby how much I loved her."

"Awe babe, that's sweet!" I whispered, slightly leaning my head against Steve's forehead, slowing going in for a kiss before hearing a loud bang coming from the front door.

"Y/N!! STEVE!!" Coming from the boy standing on the opposite side of the door.

"The kids," we both groaned in unison as I jumped off the counter and made my way over to the door. Slowly opening the front door, scared of what awaited us on the other side, revealing 6 teenagers standing in front of us with smiles plastered across their faces.

"We smelt food from next door," Dustin smiled, "can we come in?"

"Kids, I just made breakfast for myself and
Y/N. We don't have enough," Steve replied, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me and laying his head on my shoulder.

"I mean, we can make more I guess," Steve gave me a look of disbelief at what I had just said.

"Yay!" The kids yelled in unison and ran into the house, Passing right by Steve and me. I quickly grabbed Steve's hand, which was tucked under his other arm, dragging him into the kitchen where the kids were sitting around the island of the counter.

"Alright, shitheads, what do you guys want for breakfast? Something quick please."

"Waffles," Elle yelled before anyone else could even get a word out. Looking around to see everyone looking at her in silence. "She did say quick."

"Okay okay, I know exactly whose waffles you guys want. You want babysitter Steve's homemade waffles."

"Yeah!" They all yelled once again.

"Babeeeee, wanna make the kids your homemade waffles?" I asked walking over to a mopping Steve who was standing in the corner of the kitchen and placing my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, I guess I can...," Steve replied, rolling his eyes and placing his hands on my waist.

All the kids took off into the living room awaiting the fresh waffles. As Steve's headed over to the fridge to grab ingredients, I took my spot back on the counter, watching his face as he moved around the kitchen.

"Babe... is something wrong?"

"No... I just wanted to spend the day with you. That was my plan for today honestly, but I guess that's what happens when your only other friends, besides your girlfriend, are children," Steve mopped around the kitchen, starting to mix the waffle mix.

"Awe Hunny... now I feel bad. How about this, after breakfast, we will tell the kids that we have plans and we will do whatever you want to do today."

    "I would like that a lot," Steve uttered while placing the mixture into the waffle press. "I could use a just-us night honestly."

    "I know, so could I," I laughed, with a small chuckle, followed by a wink.

    "Don't you be starting that yet," Steve laughed, as his face started getting red. Placing the finished waffles onto a plate.

    With a smile on my face, I kissed Steve and quickly called for the kids. As the kids piled into the kitchen, Steve started handing out plates of waffles.

    "Okay shitheads, listen up," Steve started, "After breakfast, you guys got to leave, we have plans for tonight." Steve wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my neck.

    "Ewww," all the kids yelled before shoving their faces full of waffles.

    "Oh shush and eat your food."

    "Damn, maybe you should tell the kids to shut up more often, that kinda turned me on," Steve whispered into my ear.

    "Don't you start now Harrington, that's for Later."


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