hmm, oneshot?

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this is an attempt at a oneshot, i think?
i wrote this with no idea with what i was doing so expect it to be bad lmao, this is made off my memory of when i watched nijigasaki so some things might be wrong (i would re-watch it but funimation is annoying and has all the episodes locked for premium now)

Kotu pov (kotu's pov first bc why not)

i was walking with kasukasu by the school when we overheard some girls talking about school idols, the thing that kasukasu was. she just ran over and tapped them on the shoulder, causing them to jump a bit of course. i decided to run after her because i know she's gonna ask them to become school idols with her, I've known her since grade school so i know when and what she'll do at times. after catching up with kasukasu i saw her talking about her cuteness or something, probably that because of the way she's standing. then this girl named yu asked why the nijigaku's school idol club disbanded and kasukasu just paused. after maybe 2 seconds she snapped outta it and didn't really answer, going back to asking them if they'd like to be school idols with her.

*time skip, a few weeks after the club gets back together*

Kasumi's pov

the club has gotten back together and has gotten people, and probably doing better then the club before disbanding. the newbies in the club found out my nickname from gradeschool, aka the one Kotu-san calls me. in revenge i tried getting her to join the club as punishment but she refused saying "its too girly for me" or runs off saying theres new anime merch and that she's gonna go buy some. how dare she say no to my cute face, hpmh. she could just be a solo idol like the rest of us and have her own theme or something, but i think she thinks if she did join she'd stick out for being less girly. to be honest Rinako did have shorts on her costume, plus it looks kinda futuristic, its definitely not cuter then what my costumes going to look like but she's my friend so its cute i guess.

Kotu pov

kasukasu keeps telling me to become a school idol with her, it not really because I think im gonna stick out or something, its more of having to go on a stage and perform. if she keeps bothering me about becoming one then i might just do it just to get her to stop, but i might just try to postpone my performance as much as i can.

Yu's pov

the new school idol club at nijigasaki is going great! Rina recently had her performance and it was fantastic, the Rina-chan board was definitely smart. Kasumi's friend though.. i think her name was Kotu? she looks like she could be a great school idol, but i think she's too nervous to do that. that kinda reminds me of Ayumu being too nervous to tell me about her dream of being a school idol, maybe if Kotu goes to Kanata's performance next week we can show her what being a school idol's actually about

ending it there cuz i have no idea what im doing lmao

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