more incorrect quotes because im hungry, heh..

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Kotu: The ocean is a soup.
Shioriko: Do elaborate.
Kotu: What is needed for something to be a soup?
Shioriko: Erm... water, salt, some form of vegetation, and
personally I prefer a little meat in mine.
Kotu: *tilts head*
Shioriko: The ocean is a soup.
Kotu: The ocean is a soup.

Nozomi: I bet you're wondering why I gathered you here
today. It's because we need to have a discussion about
how some people in this room aren't getting along with
other people in this room.
Maki: Why did you say that so vaguely? Nico and I
are literally the only people you called in here.

Kanata: You know I'm starting to regret showing you how
that blender works.
Setsuna, drinking toast: Why do you say that?

Yu: Here I made you a friendship bracelet.
Ayumu: Thanks, but you know I'm not a jewelry person.
Yu: Well you don't have to wear it-
Ayumu: No I'm wearing it forever. Back off.

Yu: You really put aside everything and came all this
way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Setsuna: Several traffic violations.
Ayumu: Three accounts of resisting arrest.
Kasumi: Roughly 13 cans of energy drinks.
Kasumi: Also, I think we knocked someone out on the
way here by accident-

Lanzhu: What's your favorite color?
Mia: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something
logical and mature.
Lanzhu: How many mole of sodium bicarbonate are
needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Mia: My favorite color is purple.

Karin: If 'never' is the contraction of 'not ever' and blush is the contraction of "blood rush' then I am 99% sure that studying is contraction for 'student dying'.

Honoka: so tell me what you want
what you really really want
Rin: Ill tell you what I want
what I really really want
Nozomi: so tell me what you want
what you really really want
Nico: I wanna (ha)
I wanna (ha)
I wanna (ha)
I wanna (ha)
Maki: I wanna really really really
wanna getouttathisfuckinfriendgroup

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